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Meaning of the Bulgarian sun symbol IYI

All cultural ancient peoples professed the cult of the Sun

Jun 22, 2024 07:55 1 063


All cultured ancient peoples professed the cult of the Sun. It occupies a central position in the sky, according to the ideas of the ancients. It is the source of heavenly fire and vital energy. It is a major factor in the vortex and passage of time. In connection with these three of his main roles, the various names by which the ancients called him arise.

The understanding of the highest place assigned to the Sun in the sky is expressed through the ancient Aramaic names of the Sun God - Shamash, Shapash, Shamshi, Sham. They derive from the Sanskrit word "sama", which is identical to the Russian superlative "samy" - "most". In the Pelasgian languages "alone" has the same meaning as in today's Bulgarian - "alone", "single". Also means "island" ( Samos - alone, isolated ) and "peak". In Latin "sun" is sol, which means the same thing - "alone", "single", "supreme".

The Bulgarian word "sun" has an identical meaning, which is more easily revealed through its Russian equivalent "sun", including the concept sol - "alone" and a diminutive, caressing suffix. The name of the Thracian god of the Sun Sabazius, from which the name of God the Father in the Orthodox tradition - Savaot - originates, contains the same root - "alone", but further developed through the concept of "Sebe" - "divine essence", whereby the name Sabazius acquires the meaning of "supreme lord", "autocrat".

This is the place to state that the terms "Sumerians", "Cimmerians" and "Slavs", each of which gave rise to a separate theory about the origin of the Bulgarians, are actually not ethnic, but cult terms. They mean the same thing - sun worshippers. The rivalry between these theories is absurd, since the names they oppose to each other are synonyms. Here's why:

Variant of the root "sam", "sham" is "noise" from which the name Sumer originates. The ancient Sumerians were sun worshippers, and their ethnonym, as well as the name of their country, derives from the name of the Sun. Variant of "noise" is "kum", "kim", from where the name "Cimmerians" comes. Its later association with concepts such as "water" and "sea" does not change the original meaning of the root "kum" - "sun".

The Bulgarian word "kum" - chief, highest, most respected guest at the wedding, spiritual father. From the root "kum" - "sun" comes the term "idol". The Cumans, who are of the same blood as the Bulgarians, but have remained pagans, carry the sign of the cult of the Sun in their national name. In the Old World there are many toponyms that contain the root "kum", "kim" and may be related to the ancient solar religion. The language of Wales is called cymraeg which I translate as "Cimmerian speech" - and we know that according to tradition, the ancient Britons were refugees from Troy - Tevkris, Bulgarians.

In his article "Bulgarian, Thracian and Aramaic Sun" ( "Svobodno slovo", 21.06.2023 ) prove that the name "Slavs" means "sun worshipers". I will not repeat my arguments, but I will share my doubt, for which I find more and more grounds - whether in the deepest Pelasgian antiquity one of the names of the Sun was not "Glory"? I am led to a similar thought by the ancient Greek (and actually perhaps Pelasgian) name of the deer, the animal dedicated to the Sun - elafi.

I will note that the names of the cities Samaria, Samara (in the former territory of Volga Bulgaria), Samarkand, located in various parts of the Middle East, Europe and Central Asia, originate from "sam" - Sun.

The second main role of the Sun is that it is the source of heavenly fire and vital energy. In it, the Vedic god Surya overlaps with the first aspect of Agni, the god of Fire - Agni-Sun. The Sanskrit word sura (from which the terms "sir" and "sir" originate), which is related to the name of the god Surya, means "chief", "lord", but also "bright", "radiant"; . The same is the meaning of the Pelasgian name of the Sun - Helios, which is the prototype of the concept El, Il - "god" in Aramaic and Hebrew.

The name of the Egyptian god of the Sun - "Ra" that is, "beam," heavenly fire. The name of the Sun in Bulgarian folklore is identical - Raiko. The well-known Egyptian symbol of life "ANH" is an expression of this relentless energy of celestial fire. "Ankh" is an ancient root meaning "sacred". The word "inca", which in the Quechua language means "family (ie full-fledged) man of the upper caste", "master", "emperor", also originates from the understanding of the Sun in its aspect of "heavenly fire".

Heavenly fire is also ether, the ultralight element enveloping the earth above the air layer in which the gods live. I purposely do not mention that the ether fills outer space, because I do not agree with today's imposed notions such as "deep space", "millions of galaxies", "planets that look exactly like Earth"; and "stars quite equal to the Sun". I think that the cosmogonic ideas of the ancients are much more true.

According to the work of Garcilaso de la Vega Inca "History of the Inca Empire", the first civilizers of Peru came down to Earth from their abode on the Sun, which gives birth to heavenly fire. Man and woman, husband and wife, son and daughter of the Sun, they became the first Inca (emperor) and the first "k'oya" ( empress ) of this country.

According to the Manichaeans, Christ resides in the Sun (book "Bogomili and Cathars", E. Frenska, 2022). It is not by chance that he is called the "Lamb" - evidently not only because of his meekness and sinlessness, but also in connection with the fiery nature inherent in the divine persons. Ignazhden, "day of fire", when the birth pains of the Solar Mother begin in the Bulgarian calendar, is connected with the day of the winter solstice.

It turns out that the doctrine of heavenly fire and the cult of it are closely related to the origin and world mission of the Bulgarian people. In his article "Two theories about the origin of the Bulgarians - one truth" (published on the site "" on 20.07.2022), referring to information in the Russian Encyclopedia and "Indian Mythology". of Jan Nappert, I dwell on the name of the sage Bhrigu mentioned in the Rigveda.

Bhrigu (Sanskrit भृगु,: bhṛgu from the root: bhrā, "shining", "shining") — in Vedic and Hindu mythology is a great sage — one of the seven great rishis. Bhrigu (Bhrigu) is one of the ten progenitors created by Manu. Manu transmitted the cosmogonic teaching to his son, and he, in turn, communicated it to the people. (Mbh. XII 182— 192). Bhrigu is the son-in-law of the sage Kardama, and his descendants are the Bhargavas.

These ancient priests possessed enormous power and influence over the universe, gained as a result of the impeccable performance of the sacrificial rites, with which they kept the relationship between gods and men intact. I think that the name Brigu is extremely interesting in the light of Strabo's account, who in his "Geography", Book VII, ch.3, states: "The Phrygians themselves, these are Brygians, some Thracian people.". It has long been established that the root "brig" was formed by inversion of "bulg". This is how we arrive at our ethnonym - BULGARIANS. My old thesis that the Bulgarians are a race of priests who in the deepest antiquity constantly traveled to enlighten humanity finds a new confirmation.

The third function of the Sun is the creation and management of time. The ancients knew incomparably more about her than we do. In the Vedic tradition, the Sun - Surya is called Dina-Kara - creator, mover of days. It is not by chance that he is depicted as driving a chariot - the Sun is in constant motion. In the beliefs of the Bulgarian people, it is a wheel - "Wheel", which is constantly spinning. The priests of the Sun are colobries, and the day of the birth of the new Sun is Christmas.

The sun travels its eternal path from east to west, from sunrise to sunset and thus counts the days, years, eras - the cycle of life. Seasons and harvests depend on his activity. In his name "best man" the idea of movement is also provided - in a word that is constantly used in the English language - come, "come!" - and in Bulgarian it is almost forgotten - "kam ta?" - "where are you?". In the quoted book of Garcilaso de la Vega Inca, the Sun in the Quechua language is called Inti.

Removing the handkerchief, it is not difficult to guess the meaning of this word - "iti", "come", "go" - I walk, I move. This is where the names of the Indus River and the Indian subcontinent come from - the river flows, runs, walks, moves (see my cited article "Two theories..."). With this, it resembles the passage of time and many rivers bear names with the same meaning - Ticha, Tisza, Ticino (it gave the name to the canton of Ticino in Switzerland). From "ida" - "walks", an idea immanently connected with the Sun, the name Ida of the mountains in Troad and Crete originates - "sunny mountains". It shows that these lands are inhabited by sun worshippers. This is how the word "idol" was born, synonymous with "idol", because the two derive from different names for the Sun. It is significant that the Bulgarian holiday Ignazhden is also called Idinak (idea of movement and "unity").

But the Sun is not just a kind of divine chronometer. It, in the true sense of the word, creates time - not only in the physical, but also in the philosophical sense - controls its course, speeds it up and slows it down. For this phenomenon, our deplorable civilization can account for it only today, when due to the unprecedented solar activity, time began to flow much faster. Seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, hours in a day, etc. they have the same number as before, but their duration is much shorter. Accordingly, our lives are shortened. The days of repentance are decreasing. The Last Judgment is inexorably approaching.

The examined three roles of the Sun ultimately give me the key to the reading of the great solar symbol of the ancient Bulgarians - IYI. So far it has been read as YUY - but what is the meaning of this word? I think the central Y should be read as "gamma" and then the symbol will sound like this - IGI. The word IGI contains the idea of "fire" (ig, "ign", Ignazhden) and the understanding of time and constant movement - "go". And the very graphic representation of the IYI sign instills in us the conviction of the central, central position of the Sun both in the heavens and in the life cycle of man, the Earth and the Universe.