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The names of the kings of Alba Longa

I am sure that in the near future the Bulgarian origin of the names of the rest of the kings of Alba - the mother city of Rome will be proven

Aug 17, 2024 18:33 223


Crushed and corrupt today's Bulgarian! Did the message I sent you in the previous articles reach your humbled mind? Did you realize that you, exactly YOU, the pariah of modern Europe, are the legitimate descendant of ancient Troy and its heroes?

With the previous lines, I gave you concrete evidence of this great heritage that elevates you above all Europeans, and with the current ones I will introduce you to another discovery - the Bulgarian ethnicity of the kings of the city of Alba. It will confirm the very fact of the city's existence in Latin antiquity, because in Italian modern historiography, as well as in Bulgarian, the denial of indisputable facts of the past has become a sport for "historical" crooks.

In the Italian, as well as in the Bulgarian electronic sites, every day we read how some pseudo-scientist thunders "frauds" - that Alba Longa existed, that Romulus once walked the white world, that the Capitoline twins were born under the Albanian mountains, etc. But the discovery and confirmation of the Bulgarian character of the names of the rulers of Alba, as testified by Titus Livius, Virgil, Dionysius by Halicarnassus and Ovid, will put an end to such mystifications. Because neither the Italian legendary tradition nor the listed authors could ever come up with names that could be explained through the Bulgarian language.

I leave aside the name Romulus, long ago explained by me, the meaning of which can only be reached through the Bulgarian speech - "Romol na reka".

I think that I have irrefutably proved that it is Bulgarian in my article "Origin and meaning of the word "shrine..." and the term "kapis", identical to "kapet" - name of a ruler or (with even greater certainty) of a high priestly rank of the kings of Alba Longa.

In this text I will examine four names included in the lists of the legendary kings of Alba - Ascanius, Attis, Procas and Amulius.

Ascanius was the founder of the city at the foot of the Albanian mountains, populated by Trojan refugees - and its first king. He is the son of the Trojan hero Aeneas, the grandson of the Dardanian king Anchises and the great-grandson of the Dardanian king Cappis. From the title of the latter, which is clearly not a name, but a title, it becomes clear where the tradition of kings being called "kapis" ( "kapet" ) - from Troy and Dardania.

The very name Ascanius - Ascanius carries an amazing charge of information. If we remove the characteristic Roman suffix by which it is known in the works of Roman authors, we get Askan, which can be unambiguously interpreted as As Canas - Ace prince. Whether "I" in this case it means "white" - a white prince or is it the title of the heir to the throne - the son of King Aeneas, this is a matter of further research. I am tempted by the idea of recognizing in the person of As Canas (also called Iul) the forerunner not only of Romulus - the founder of the Urbs Aeterna, not only of the Gens Iulia, but also of the Asene family. An idea for such an interpretation is given to me by the words of Pope Innocent III addressed to Tsar Kaloyan regarding the proofs of nobility that the Bulgarian ruler presented to the pontiff: " We have ascertained that your ancestors came from a noble family of the city of Rome and that you have received noble blood.

We do not know exactly what King Kaloyan and Innocent III had in mind, but it is not at all excluded that the Asene family goes back to Ascanius - Julius. In his publication, archaeologist Andrey Kiryakov suggested that the name of the royal Bulgarian family Dulo derives from Julius, referring to the added Roman name of the Bosporan kings. But such a possibility is quite logical to be attributed to the first Yule - Ascanius, and then the antiquity of the Dullo family must be sought in the bowels of the Trojan, Dardanian and antediluvian past.

The origin of the names of cities such as Ancona in Italy and Ascona on Lago Maggiore, in Ticino, Switzerland, the etymology of which has not yet been sufficiently traced and interpreted, is perhaps connected with As-can.

The name Attis of the sixth legendary king of Alba Longa, called by Dionysius of Halicarnassus "Capet", is Phrygian - it is known from the myth of the Phrygian hero Attis, son of Nana, daughter of the river god Sangarius, who also speaks eloquently in the Thracian and ancient Bulgarian tradition, a name originating from sangarii - the sacred axe, gave the ethnonym of the Sikuli, Sikeli, Sikei. But it is also a Meonian (Lydian) name, borne by the second king of Meonia, son of Manes and father of Lyd. From Strabo (Geography, Book 7, ch. 3), we know that Phrygians, Maeons and Brigs are one and the same people, and under the name "Brigs" we discover the ancient Bulgarians (I have written many texts on this subject and I will not repeat myself).

The name of Proca, thirteenth legendary king of Alba Longa, father of Numitor and Amulius - and great-grandfather of Romulus, can be explained by the Latin root prox - nearest, relative. But since it is a question of a ruler's name, I am more inclined to explain it through the Slavic word "прочный" - "healthy", "yak", preserved and constantly used in Russia. In fact, prox and "прочный" have a common origin and that is the ancient Pelasgian and Bulgarian languages.

As for the name of Amulius - Amulius, the fifteenth legendary king of Alba Longa, the treacherous and inhuman usurper who dethroned his first-born brother Numitor and slaughtered his male generation, it is also not alien to the ancient Bulgarian naming tradition. If we free it from the Latin suffix, we will get its true form - Amul, as "ul" should also be taken as a diminutive suffix. The name itself probably sounded like Amos or Amush, which almost completely identifies it with the name of the ruler of Volga Bulgaria, a central character in the extraordinary life and rich in historical information of Ahmed ibn-Fadlan's narrative "Journey to Volga Bulgaria". (921 - 922). The king of the Volga Bulgarians, who desired from the Abbasid caliph of Bagdad objects of the Mohammedan religion messengers to convert his pagan people to Islam, was called, according to ibn-Fadlan, Almush, son of Shilko. Amush and Almush are most likely the same name.

I am sure that in the near future the Bulgarian origin of the names of the other kings of Alba - the "mother city of Rome" will be proven.

* The article is included in my newly published book "The name Bulgaria and the ethnonym Bulgarians", published by BG-Print Vratsa and published on 25.07.2024. The day before yesterday, on 15/08/2024, an attempt was made to plagiarize the main evidence that Trojans and Bulgarians are the same people, which I reveal in my articles "The Bulgarian name of Tiber, the river that flows through the Eternal City". and "Ciber River in Rome, Troad and Bulgaria". Both articles were published on the site "" on 5.06 and 3.07, respectively, and also in my cited book. The plagiarist obsessed with my findings is a notorious repeat copyright infringer who has been systematically stealing evidence and inferences from my writings for years.

For the past two days, in comments on his YouTube channel and under the particular video titled "What did the language of the inhabitants of Homer's Troy sound like?", he proudly accepted the parade of his deluded followers who praised him for his great discoveries , thanks to which Bulgarian history took a giant step forward, connecting Trojans and Bulgarians into a single ethnicity. It is very important to state that the plagiarist, in order to cover his tracks and not be detected, falsifies his old, mediocre, eclectic texts by stitching into them paragraphs with the innovative ideas of the authors he has robbed. Thus, he can "prove" that he has made an opinion on a given topic a long time ago and that he "discovered" years ago. what he actually just recently plagiarized.

For example, my completely original thesis about the names of the rivers Tiber in Rome and Timbrios in the Triad, which I interpret as the Bulgarian Ciber (from the old verb "izcibryam ( se )" - to clarify (se), brighten up), he quietly inserted in his text from 30.08.2018, adding "his translation" - "cybreia". These elements were missing from the plagiarist's article before I published my findings in the already cited texts published by "facts". It is clear that the "inlay" of other people's, mostly mine, discoveries, in old materials of his, is a favorite, tested, plagiarism trick of the forger, which has so far saved him from responsibility.

It is the opinion of IT professionals, however, that a detailed review by a good cyber specialist will always be able to catch this counterfeiting scam. In addition, the question is completely reasonable: if the plagiarist really made these discoveries back in 2018, why did he not disclose them to the general public until now, but waited to do so only after my articles from June and July of this year. It is obvious that it is an arrogant forgery.

I will react most decisively against the incessant robbery of my intellectual property by the self-forgetting plagiarist in question, as well as against the impunity of plagiarism in Bulgaria, which has reached the devastating proportions of a biblical disaster.