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Todor and Boryana Yotovi: A verbal attack of slander and lies is pouring on us

Response to the article published under the title "Active action of the agent network of the former DS against the annual Festival of Thracian Mysteries and the discoveries of the Hyde brothers

Sep 20, 2024 16:23 363

After several years of attempts to restore an order close to Christian consistency in the community known as “The Council”, standing behind the registered confession “Thracian Church” (TC), and the related public activities, we - Todor and Boryana Yotovi, after expressing a desire either to have a real ability to make decisions, or to be released from obligations that we bear and activities in which we assist, to us - in public addresses to the community, “poured out” over several days over 20 hours of verbal attack of slander and lies on behalf of Tsvetan Hyde, and supported by his sons.

This verbal onslaught was intended to replace the members of the community with all memories of who we are in order to minimize the possibility that any of them would face the truths we present and, like us, separate themselves from the Council- TC and the cult that the Council represents. This continues to this day – including when, regardless of personal risk and consequences, we undertook to publicize the factual falsifications and manipulations in Stefan and Tsvetan Hyde's books, “The Thracian Letter – Decoded“ (TPD), “The Thracian Chronicles“ and “Thracian Epistles”, whose detailed analysis we undertook after we left the community. But let's stop with the “personal“ history and look at the facts.

Gaid's brazenness goes so far that even in his “right of reply” in media publications from 09/20/2024, they continue to unceremoniously lie to the Bulgarian public and their followers through scientific fraud. In their “right of reply”, in order to defend the multiple manipulations of the transcription of the Kölmen inscription (TPD 3), they claim that in Vladimir Georgiev's book, “The Thracians and their Language”, Vladimir Georgiev transcribes “A&ldquo ; as “P“.

/from “right of reply“ by Hyde/.

Actually, the transcription of the letter in question outlined in red in Vladimir Georgiev's book is named “A“, and the complete inscription given in the photo was transcribed by him as “NBLABAHГGN” (p. 125), with the author giving a detailed rationale for the transcription of each symbol, spread over pages 119 to 125 of his book, including why II is transcribed as N, arrow in the direction of the inscription - as Л, А - as А, B - like B:

/from the book “The Thracians and their language, Vladimir Georgiev, 1977, BAS publishing house; page 125/.

Vladimir Georgiev gives a transcription that is absolutely consistent about transcribing each respective symbol as the same, marked by a single reclined A, unlike Stefan Gaid's random transcriptions of the same symbol as different letters and vice versa in the TPD -3.

If any reader still thinks they can trust any of Hyde's claims, regarding science, artifacts, or private individuals, please continue reading down.

A detailed response to Hyde's pseudo-response regarding our disclosure of the falsifications and manipulations in the TPD, which they published in their Bogari Media on 17.09.2024 and which continue in their video-link to their publication, is available on the page of “Alliance for Archae-Science and Art“: . It is because of the brazenness of the lies about our revelations of their forgeries, as above, that we present in brief, our analysis, and here, in our right of reply.

The guides don't actually address any of the facts we've published:

The ring from Ezerovo

Guides address the replacement of the letter M with N in their transcription, but do NOT address any of the other changes: why is P also replaced with N, A with D, Z with I (repeatedly).

The Cologne inscription

Guides do NOT address any of the dozens of randomly transcribed symbols, which in itself already invalidates their transcription and translation. Their only argumentation is the aforementioned false citation of Vladimir Georgiev.

The Stele of King Midas

Guides address the substitution of F for B (remaining linguistically debatable), but do NOT address anything about the transcription of the clear D once as Y, once as D, nor the number of non-existent Bokhar words they use for “translation” si.

The multitude(!) of artifacts from “The Thracian Letter Decoded – 5“ with numerous dashes added, random transcription from “ogam“ with substituted phonetic values without real justification.

The guide did NOT address anything about the randomly added dashes on the artifacts. Original photographs are present in independent old publications and I am confident that any encroachment on our historical heritage sites can be investigated.

The Tile of Tartaria

Gide explained that for the upper symbol in the lower left part of the artifact, Stefan Gide himself clarified that it could be a bow, which does not change its meaning – something that we ourselves explain in the detailed Appendix-brochure to our new book.

Gaid claim that adding a dash to the lower symbol of the same segment does not change its meaning, but this is not true, because according to the “Gaid method” (reading these hieroglyphs through Egyptian) this hieroglyph would no longer be a combination of Aa15 and O30 (as Hyde claims), because the former is actually a double repetition of N17 or N18 or N19. Moreover, the other symbol interpreted by Hyde as O30, in Egyptian hieroglyphics actually corresponds to S38 or S39, as clearly seen in original photographs of the artifact, in contrast to the disguised photograph according to Hyde, thus the interpretation “in support of&rdquo ; appears to be groundless. Hyde did NOT explain anything about the re-altered and presented for Amulet Original the ellipses turned into half-circles in the upper right segment in order to be able to give the desired translation of the symbols as “Masters”. They also did NOT mention anything about the modified upper left segment symbol. The fact that the author Stefan Gide or the editor of TPD left obvious (or forgot to cover up the redraws in brown or the erasures in yellow) these manipulations of the images can only speak of brazenness “if it passes – mine“, or extreme carelessness for issues that, according to them, are fundamental to the Bulgarian doctrine and spiritual heritage.

„The Melchizedek Epistles“

The new thesis proving the “originality of the epistles as historical” is that Tsvetan Heid saw them personally, and they themselves are the work of “the author, teacher and theologian of the early Church in Thrace“, whose epistles Stefan Heid discovered and determined to keep in the Melchizedek brotherhood, founded by him for that purpose. The question then remains, why are these original manuscripts not shown and examined for their authenticity, to which the answer would probably be “because they are kept only by initiates” or “because they disappeared after Stephen's death”. Of course, this is a thesis that anyone is free to believe, but perhaps it would be advisable for such a person to consult the history of the breakup of the Mormon community. But even so – why then “The Saint“ Hyde wrote on his website in 2003 that the first Melchizedek message is a MODERN prophecy, the author and recipient of which is himself – isn't that what the “Saint“ liar and thief? And if this is based on “his translation” in English – does the translation of the Holy Bible in English bear the authorship of the translators?

The book “Arich“ from the Thracian Epistles

Nothing is addressed regarding the presented facts regarding the authenticity of the book Arich from the collection “The Thracian Epistles”.

The Holy Scriptures and Bible “Besika-Beshoy“

It is stated that the name “trak“ is spelled in multiple ways, but does NOT address the fact that the texts of the Bible itself have been altered in TPD-4 to accommodate such spellings. - This is the digitized library of the Oxford Bodleian Library. Coptic (Bohar or Sahidic) Manuscript MS. H. 17 does not exist there, and on the possibility that it exists but is not digitized, see below.

The information we put forward that this is a falsification of the text of the Holy Scriptures is not only a statement of our “unenlightened“, but also of one of the leading experts in the field of Coptic language (both Bokhar and Sahidic dialects) and researcher of ancient manuscripts. We are keeping the name withheld for now due to the “Gyde culture” which slanders and slanders anyone who opposes them in the name of truth, but we will release it for personal reference to any journalist, as well as the entire letter.

Letter from Boryana Yotova from May, 2024:


Ancient Thracian-Bokhar only exists in Hyde's books, so there is certainly no way to distinguish between it and Bokhar Coptic, as the former simply does not exist.

Yes, while we were members of the TC, we did not question the theses in Hyde's books. Our first book was influenced by them in certain aspects of its content, but not in its essence, which is why we are preparing a new edition, cleansed of such influences. Regarding our second book, the situation was the same – Hyde's contribution there was to ‚hijack‘ the basis of our developments in the service of their doctrine and pseudo-science. Therefore, when we separated, we proposed that it be published in the name of the Institute of Transcendental Science, but without our names appearing there, precisely because we could no longer fully stand behind the claims in it. In the last year, we have invested time and resources so as not only to revise all the claims in the TPD that we have made public, but also to cleanse our work of this influence and enrich it so that it restores to the Bulgarian public the root of the Bokhara stolen by Hyde Coptic language, where it belongs (to the Coptic Christians from the 1st to the 4th century), and to offer a true story about the development of the Thracian language and the Neolithic artifacts, which connection Vladimir Georgiev also spoke about in the same book from 1977, and which the Hyde brothers also they “appropriate as their own“:

/from the book “The Thracians and their language, Vladimir Georgiev, 1977, BAS publishing house; page 190/.

We have not been “removed” from the Institute of T-Science and Orphic Academy, as Hyde claims, and we ourselves have demanded to be released from these institutes, seeing through the speculations they build and serve.

Regarding the history of our exit from the Hyde Cult and the Thracian Church (internally known as the “Council”), all significant facts have been publicly disclosed online and in media publications since 09/11/2024. There was no desire for financial management on our part.

The records of the so-called “Apostolic Epistles” of Tsvetan Gaid, which we have shared with the media and the public, are not manipulated, but are clearly indicated where there are breaks by an audible signal (more explanations are given in the second part below).

We have nothing against “Festival of Thracian Mysteries“ - about its music and choreography, the talent and labor of those who participate, oblivious to the manipulation and falsification they facilitate. What we object to regarding the Festival is the ideology based on the false translations of Thracian artefacts, which feed the verbal chants propagated through the Festival and misleading the Bulgarian public, as well as the use of chants in the Bokhar language (one to one ), represented as Thracian. We do not denigrate the creators, but expose the false basis of what they are misled to propagate.

We have no connection whatsoever with the individuals Hyde manipulatively places as our like-minded people in the facts we present, and for whom they claim we act as surrogates. We have no objection to the Festival of Thracian Mysteries being presented anywhere, if it is cleared of factual untruths.

Regarding every slander and slander on behalf of Hyde to us and our families, which has not stopped for more than a year, Tsvetan, Natanail and Georgi Hyde, have notarized invitations from April 2024, recently the first legal action. Such will follow in view of their ongoing campaign and aggression towards us.

The publication in the article, presented as a right of reply by Tsvetan Gaid and Bogari Media, is a series of false and manipulative statements, some of which have the factual composition of defamation, insults and attempted assault.


The actions of Tsvetan Gaid, his sons Natanail Georgiev and Georgi Georgiev, and their relatives, including the team of Bogari Media, have their background, part of which is described in the press conference in BTA on 11.09.2024 year (11:00) and the subsequent media appearances and publications of Todor Yotov and Boryana Racheva-Yotova facts.

In the month of April, Tsvetan Gaid, Natanail Georgiev and Georgi Georgiev were sent notarial invitations to stop the slander, lies and harassment against the Yotovi family – without any subsequent corrective actions by Tsvetan Gaid, Natanail Georgiev and Georgi Georgiev. There are between 297 and 348 pages of appendices to these notarial subpoenas, including the entire transcripts of the publicly broadcast recordings that Tsvetan Gaid (Bogari Media and team) claim were manipulated.

The same are also attached to the signal-Complaint to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria.

The same are also attached to the documents for a criminal case of a private nature by Todor Yotov against Tsvetan Gaidarski – for defamation, insult and harassment.

The entire transcripts as well as the audio recordings of Tsvetan Gaidarski's public broadcasts in their entirety may be provided to journalists for the purposes of right of reply and journalistic investigation.

Non-exhaustive list of false and/or manipulative statements in the article directed against citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria:

  • Regarding the repeated claims that the press conference in BTA on 11.09.2024 (11:00) and the subsequent media appearances and publications of Todor Yotov and Boryana Racheva-Yotova, evidence of manipulations and forgeries , and the context of their use, are a “smear campaign” - several attempts were made to publish Boryana Racheva-Yotova's response to the slanderous and slanderous video of Bogari Media, which is also popularized with this article, but the moderators of the profiles of Bogari Media and Tsvetan Gaid deleted the right to reply and the possibility for the public to be informed. The answer is available on the “Alliance for Archeology and Art“ page: bogari-media-guide/

  • The accusations and insinuations that Todor Yotov is an “agent”, part of an agent network, etc., are part of a defamation campaign by Tsvetan Gaidarski (Gaid), Natanail Georgiev (Gaid) and Georgi Georgiev (Guide), which takes place both online – in broadcasts to many people, as well as through defamation and potential harassment to third parties, in private messages and other formats. These repeated slanders and related harassment and potential attempts at threats are documented and are part of a report-Complaint to the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria, of a criminal case of a private nature by Todor Yotov against Tsvetan Gaidarski, and of notarial invitations issued in the month of April 2024 from Todor Yotov to Tsvetan Gaidarski, Natanail Georgiev and Georgi Georgiev. The actual state – that Todor Yotov is not and has never been an employee or associate of any national security agencies and has not held any post or operational position that could be qualified as an “agent” is verifiable by the relevant authorities.

  • The claim that Todor Yotov has “tried a year and a half ago to control and possess the church by organizing a schism in order to be appointed as a cardinal of the Thracian Church to manage its finances and religious activity and subsequently involve religion in the political schemes of specific parties from the status quo“ is manipulative and false, which can be confirmed by the right of reply, the audio recordings of Tsvetan Haid and their transcripts, as well as by Todor Yotov's letters to the community of the “Thracian Church” from the period June-July 2023.

  • The claim that Todor Yotov and Boryana Racheva-Yotova “have been removed from the administration of Orfika Academy, Thracian Mysteries Festival and T-Science Institute” is false and is clearly proven by the archive of the correspondence, with which Yotov and Racheva-Yotova ask Natanail Georgiev and Georgi Georgiev to be immediately released from the two NGOs, and from the subsequent actions with the Trade Register and the Register of the National Register of Youth and Sports at the Registration Agency.< /p>

  • Regarding the book being prepared for June 2023, the statement that Todor Yotov and Boryana Racheva-Yotova “declare in writing their wish for the authorship to be a collective of the Institute of T-Science“ is taken out of context – namely, that at this point the campaign of slander and harassment by Tsvetan Gaidarski and his sons towards the Yotovi family (documented in the audio recordings of Tsvetan Gaidar, their transcripts, and the testimonies of third parties, including those not connected to the community of &bdquo ;The Thracian Church”) leads to the Iots wishing without further commitment to any party to leave the “book” in its form at that time to be issued if the Institute of T-Science wants, and their names will not be mentioned in any way. In this sense, “authors collective“ is proposed not because anyone else had any real input into the writing of the book, other than hijacking the essence of its content to serve the purposes and doctrine of the cult, namely because no one but the authors (who no longer want their names associated with the potential publisher) has no input.

  • It is inexplicable to include lowercase names in journalistic material, but it is part of the methodology of the Hyde media machine – Bogari. The claims about the businesses of Todor Yotov and Boryana Yotova are factually incorrect and placed in a manipulative context, as well as – again a false (defamatory) reference is made to “the manipulated recordings of Tsvetan Gaid's voice, out of the context of his entire speeches, excerpts of which were released as a media racket“ – as it has already become clear, the audio recordings of Tsvetan Gaidarski's public broadcasts in their entirety can be provided to journalists for the purposes of right of reply and journalistic investigation, as well as Tsvetan Gaidarski (Gaid), Natanail Georgiev (Gaid) and Georgi Georgiev ( Hyde) have copies of these transcripts as appendices to their notarized invitations, and are well aware of their contents, and that they have not been tampered with, nor (as Hyde dares claim) made with an internet transcription program, and from 04/01/2024 to 17.09.2024, when they publicly renewed their defamation campaign against us, they did not appeal or claim as incorrect. With this statement, Tsvetan Gaid insinuates that they are not correct compared to the source audio material with the statements of Tsvetan Gaid and his sons. Separately – the wording itself “Todor is in the field of cyber security, with questionable associates and contacts” is false and is again a potential libel and slander.

  • The claim that Todor Yotov and Boryana Racheva-Yotova are public figures is manipulative. Unlike Tsvetan Gaidarski, who goes by the name Tsvetan Gaid, who is a public figure, the two slandered in the article are natural persons, without profiles of “public figures” in any media or platform, without public appearances in their role as a public figure, and without a profile of publications and presenting themselves as initiators or founders of a political movement or party. In this sense, all clauses of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR) are fully applicable to them, which is not the case with Tsvetan Haid and Stefan Haid as public figures (using pseudonyms for their public activities ), as well as with Nathanael Hyde and George Hyde – also selectively using pseudonyms for their public activities, including as editors of Bogari Media ( and – judging by the results in the internet search engine Google, referring to the so-called “right to be forgotten”, in potential violation of Paragraph 3 of Article 17 of Chapter 3 of GDPR / GDPR.

With respect to the reader and striving to reveal the truth.

Todor and Boryana Yotovi


city Sofia