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Who has a name day today, September 28, 2024. Congratulations!

Everyone with the names Hariton, Hari, Harieta, Haritonka, Tony and Tonka are celebrating

Sep 28, 2023 05:13 69

Who has a name day today, September 28, 2024. Congratulations!  - 1

On September 28, Orthodox Christians remember the Venerable Hariton the Confessor and the Holy Prophet Baruch.

Khariton lived in the second half of the third and the first half of the fourth century in the Asia Minor city of Iconium (today Konia in Turatsia). During the reign of the Roman emperor Aurelian (270-275), another cruel persecution against Christians was undertaken. The head of the city found out that Chariton was a Christian. He ordered that this brave confessor be severely beaten. Then he was taken barely alive to prison. With God's help, Khariton soon recovered, but was exiled, writes BLITZ.

Recently the emperor Aurelian died, and his successor Tacitus was a peaceful ruler and did not torture the Christian believers. All exiles were released from captivity. Saint Chariton built two monasteries in Asia Minor. He was also the first to introduce the monastic haircut for all believers who have decided to dedicate their lives to the Lord as nuns and monks. Died in 350 at an advanced age.

The Holy Prophet Baruch was a student, friend and scribe of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah. He wrote down the prophecies of the prophet Jeremiah about the invasion of the Babylonians and the captivity of the Jews because of their sins and read them to the people in the temple. After the reading, the king burned the scrolls and ordered the prophets to be imprisoned. Only after the Chaldeans captured Jerusalem were they released. After the martyrdom of the prophet Jeremiah, Saint Baruch also died in Egypt in the 6th century BC.

Today everyone with the names Hariton, Harry, Harrieta, Haritonka, Tony and Tonka is celebrating a name day.