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Who has a name day today, July 16, 2024. Congratulations!

Everyone with the names Julia, Julian, Juliana celebrates

Jul 16, 2024 05:40 232

On July 16, everyone with the names Julia, Julian, Juliana celebrates their name day. According to popular belief, today is the second day of the so-called Hot guys. During Goreshtniki, one does not work, does not go to the fields, does not light the oven and does not prepare bread, writes

On this date, the Bulgarian Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Martyr Julia virgin. Legend has it that Julia was born in Carthage and came from a noble and Christian family. But when the Persians conquered the city, they kidnapped many people. Julia, although she was a minor at the time, also ended up among the captives. A merchant from Syria bought her and he tried for a long time to dissuade her from her faith, but Julia did not deny Christ.

Her death occurred when, accompanying her master, St. Julia landed on the island of Corsica during pagan celebrations. The girl categorically refused to participate in their rituals, so she was subjected to humiliation and cruelty - her tormentors decided to destroy her, just as the Jews had crucified Christ, so they made a cross and crucified the martyr on it. Julia surrendered her soul to God on the cross. This happened in the 4th century.

On the other hand, Julia is a feminine variant of the Latin name Julius, meaning curly-haired, with wild curly hair.

July 16 is also associated with the name of Emperor Gaius Julius Caesar. The Latin name "Julius" also defines the month as dedicated to Julius Caesar (101-44 BC). The emperor's namesakes are also celebrating today.