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We honor the Holy Martyr Nikitas

Sep 15, 2024 05:31 182

Holy Martyr Nikitas († 372) - in the fourth century, Christianity spread rapidly along the banks of the Danube, where the Goths lived at that time.

In history, the Goths are known as Visigoths and Ostrogoths. The Visigoths mostly inhabited today's Romania and Bessarabia, and the Ostrogoths – today's southern Russia – between the rivers Don and Dniester. Due to religious differences, the Visigoths were then divided into two states. In one, the ruler was Anatarich, a pagan, a persecutor of Christianity, and in the other – Fritigern, a Christian, defender of Christianity, wrote "Blitz".

A war broke out between these two countries. Anatarichus defeated. Fritigern turned to the Byzantine emperor Valens for help. An entire army was sent to his aid. Fritigern recrossed the Danube at the head of a huge army. In front of his regiments, banners with a cross were displayed. A battle ensued on a wide front. Athanaric's troops were routed. A significant part of them was captured. Athanaric managed to escape with a group of soldiers.

This opened up a wide opportunity for the spread of Christianity in the vast Gothic land. The victory of Fritigern was recognized as the victory of the holy and life-giving cross of the Lord, under the banner of which he fought. The successor of the Gothic bishop Theophilus, bishop Wulfila, invented the Gothic alphabet and translated the Holy Scriptures and many liturgical books into the Gothic language. As a result, Christianity became even stronger. St. Nikitas, who was one of the illustrious men among the Goths, especially contributed to its strengthening. With his inspired words, he converted many to faith in God's Son Jesus Christ.

Later, however, Athanaric returned to his homeland, formed an army, went against the troops of Fritigern, defeated them and took into his hands the power over the entire Gothic land beyond the Danube. A pagan & fanatic, Athanarich raised a terrible persecution against the Church. St. Nikita came out in defense of the Christian faith. He preached the word of God more and more forcefully and fearlessly, prepared the faithful for martyrdom and openly denounced the tyrant Athanarich in impiety and inhumanity. All the tortures with which Athanaric wanted to force Nikitas to deny Christ remained without result. Neither the many wounds nor the tortures of the flesh could make him renounce the Lord. Then the torturer ordered to burn the martyr at the stake. The holy great martyr stood firm and unmoved in the midst of the flames. His soul passed into eternity, with God. His body remained unharmed in the flames. By order of the authorities, the body that was not affected by the fire was left without burial.

At that time there lived in the Gos land a pious Christian named Marian. He was a native of Mopsuet – a city in the Asia Minor region of Cilicia. Marian had grown close to Nikita and won his friendship. Learning that his beloved friend had been martyred, and that his body had been dishonorably thrown away, he determined to find it and carry it to his homeland. A strict order was issued – no one to collect Nikita's body. Marian went to look for him at night. The night was dark and rainy. This made it difficult for the pious Cilician to carry out his plan. But God sent him a light in the form of a star, which illuminated his path and stopped over the very body of the martyr. Marian took it, wrapped it in a clean cloth and took it to his homeland – Cilicia. He buried him in his home. Later, Christians built a beautiful temple here, in which the holy relics of the great martyr were placed. Miracles began to take place near them. Many received healing of both physical and mental infirmities.