The dismemberment of "Majesty"Who is the best in the party “Majesty” – Nikolay Markov or Ivelin Mihailov. This is the question that the people who voted for the & ...03.07.2024118
Why have they been talking about sharia in Turkey for weeksIs sharia a good legal system? A few weeks ago, two YouTubers started a discussion on the topic. It has been occupying all of Turkey for days. The ...03.07.2024138
"Making Europe great again": what Hungary wantsOn July 1, Hungary takes over the rotating EU presidency. What does the fact that its most skeptical member stands at the head of the Community mean f ...02.07.2024159
Borisov has only one move: a government born with tricksIf elected, the government "Zhelyazkov" it will have low legitimacy because it will be born with gimmicks. But there are several main reason ...02.07.2024135
Britain is turning left: what Labor will change
След 14 години консервативно управление, на власт във Великобритания могат да се върнат лейбъристите. Добра перспектива за Острова ли е това? Можем ли ...

Ivanka Dimitrova - MP, but in France!This morning I saw the Bulgarian Ivanka Dimitrova on Nova TV. I've heard of her, but I don't know her personally. It made a strong impression ...02.07.2024413
Tonchev: A criminal plot is being played out in the parliament for the broadcasting of a regular office “Oresharski 2"This is what happens when persons who do not even know the types of legal acts and have never read the Rules for the Organization and Activities of th ...02.07.2024196
British Labor seeks closer ties with EU without reopening Brexit woundsMENU RIGHTMENU.SOCIAL EN CURRENCY RATES BULGARIAN TELEGRAPH AGENCY YOUR BTA Don't have an account? Enter a keyword or phrase ...01.07.2024246
To end the war in Ukraine, three miracles are neededAbout to end the war in Ukraine, it needs three miracles, according to an analysis by Belgian national military expert Colonel Roger Husen, quoted in ...01.07.2024356
Konstantin Mishev: Time of informersMy mother, Vencheto, who was interrogated by State Security. Who was in the Sliven women's prison. Who sent me to the front door and poured me goo ...01.07.2024334
Borisov's minority, but under the shadow of...Borisov's minority, but under the shadow of… This is how the situation looks after Rosen Zhelyazkov today took the folder from the presiden ...01.07.2024156
Diana Damyanova: The church is like our stateThe commonality between the church and politics in the homeland is a lot and most importantly - both have no connection with the real life. Politi ...01.07.2024174
Yevgeny Kanev: The election of a patriarch with pro-Russian views can turn out to be a big problemElecting a patriarch with pro-Russian views could prove to be a big problem, despite the declining influence of the BOC. This is because Orthodoxy ...01.07.2024218
Kalina Androlova: GERB presented a very good cabinet! Well doneGERB presented a very good cabinet! Well done. Without compromises, they showed the possibility of GERB to remove competent ministers (with one or two ...01.07.2024206
Elisaveta Belobradova: Delyan Peevski will decide whether there will be a GERB cabinetGERB proposed a cabinet. This is how it is done when you are the first political force - you take responsibility and form a cabinet, even though yo ...01.07.2024280
Emmanuel Macron's failed betHe gambled and lost. On the evening of the first round of the parliamentary elections, French President Emmanuel Macron found himself in a very weaken ...01.07.2024254
Blackened UkraineColonialism sucks the life force out of its subordinate territories. In its wake is a wasteland beyond repair. Such is the intention of the masters ...30.06.2024238
There is no more terrible snare than hatredIn different times and eras, human wisdom has risen to great and difficult to reach peaks. Some of the wisest human words ever spoken are those collec ...30.06.2024188
Matches, matches...The matches - these are those battles of the European football championship, for which you will discussed below. But matches, or no less interesting b ...29.06.2024186
An ocean of promises before the parliamentary vote in FranceFrance is preparing for the first round of early parliamentary elections, in which the battle will be fought between the far-right of Marine Le Pen, t ...29.06.2024367
The main character - fearAt the presentation of my book “Return Ticket“ in Varna, a reader asked – am i ever afraid This question surprised me much more than ...29.06.2024241
Vladimir Putin and Recep Erdogan - caressing, but not huggingWhatever the points of disagreements and rapprochement between Ankara and Moscow, not only in terms of direct bilateral relations, but also the contra ...28.06.2024329
Kalina Androlova: It would follow GERB as the first political force to get support for a cabinet with the first mandateIt would follow GERB as the first political force to can get support for a cabinet with the first term. According to the unwritten rules of politics, ...28.06.2024248
Political leaders in Bulgaria are on the way to making their worst nightmares come trueOnly 9% of Bulgarians approve of MPs and parties in parliament, according to a survey by Market LINKS, but some of them have firmly decided that they ...28.06.2024231
Grigor Lilov: Geopolitical boxing in the ring Bulgaria1 ROUND Parliamentary political forces refused to determine who should go to the NATO Summit in Washington. The pro-Kremlin parties scored an advan ...28.06.2024284