How the "boy got away with the "face...The frantic preparations for the elections are in full swing. The parties arrange candidate-deputy lists, look for liked and recognizable people to sh ...01.10.2024217
What should Borisov, Peevski and co. be askedOnly one event could fill the capital hall “Arena Armeets” faster than Greek pop singer Nikos Vertis or a match between tennis players Gri ...01.10.2024221
The two MRFs in Kardzhali: like in the battle for Stalingrad?Author: Vildan Bayryamova In Kardzhali, the candidates of Delyan Peevski's "MPS - New Beginning" emphasized that they are the real party and only t ...30.09.2024248
How a Serbian 'second-rate politician tapped into powerful Western intelligenceBritish intelligence services plan to eliminate Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vulin in revenge for his open support for Russia and regular ...30.09.2024381
Kevork Kevorkian: We should have had a Day of Obedience a long time ago
The ritual took place. Now that's the important thing. “Independence Day” passed and left. “Report given – report accepted ...

Putin needs a break from war, but not peaceVladimir Putin may need a break from war, but by no means from peace. A temporary cessation of hostilities would allow him to rebuild and strengthen h ...30.09.2024227
Nikolay Nankov: Now I'm explaining to myself why PP live in a pink budget bubble - Asen Vassilev can't countNow I explain to myself why PP live in a pink budget bubble… which will soon burst. Well, their financial guru Asen Vassilev cannot count. He w ...30.09.20241 077
10 populist bills to win the spring electionsParliament has dissolved and a new one of the same type awaits us . It needs radical ideas and bills that touch the hearts of the voters in order to m ...30.09.2024171
Diana Damyanova: An attempt to ... I know whatI research the parties' messages hidden in logos, advertising, slogans, etc. I understand them. Seventh election in a short time, as in the mea ...30.09.2024115
Ivaylo Mirchev: 10 arguments that he does not oppose the buying of votesThe Minister of the Interior explained, I hear, that he opposes the buying of votes. I'm going to disappoint him - either someone is misleading hi ...29.09.2024152
China continues to supply Russia with critical dual-use componentsCommentary by lansinginstitute.org China introduced new restrictions on exports of dual-use items to Russia effective September 1, a nota ...28.09.2024575
The outcome of this election could be dramatically unexpectedComment by Daniel Smilov: A campaign begins, within which the Bulgarian party system - as far as it exists - may collapse or implode. After this el ...28.09.2024156
A new country in Europe: who are the Bektashis?"Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love" , with these words of Mother Teresa, Albanian Prime Minister ...27.09.20244 332
The idea of Crimea going under a UN mandate has angered UkraineThe Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stressed that Crimea's status as Ukrainian territory is not up for debate. Shortly before that, the Ukr ...27.09.2024198
Groupism in Bulgarian societyComment by Paulina Shishkova In our country, we often hear the expressions “state conquered by the mafia”, “while in other countr ...27.09.2024106
The Revival process card: the eyelessness of Peevski and DoganDPS was born from the pain and suffering caused by the so-called "Regenerative process". Instead of healing these wounds, both Dogan and Pee ...27.09.2024165
"It's no coincidence": why China launched an intercontinental ballistic missile into the Pacific Ocean for the first time in decadesThe fact that an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launched by China fell into the Pacific Ocean for the first time in decades is no coincide ...26.09.2024136
Operation Pager: Scene Gun Goes Off in AftershockIf we impromptuly and for convenience call it Operation Pager, what we have seen in the last two days in Lebanon and Syria, where various messaging sy ...26.09.2024154
Prof. Boyan Durankev: Seven demands of business that are "mother criesHow nice that there is still democracy, trade unions and country. This is what he commented on "Facebook" Prof. Boyan Durankev. Goals (as ...26.09.2024118
Ukraine is barely holding back Russian troops, and the news from Germany is badDonald Trump's potential influence on the course of the Ukrainian conflict and the Western alliance is no secret to anyone. But what is happening in ...25.09.2024178
It's time in Bulgaria to raise our heads and move forwardThere is no way to build a future while the demons of the past drain all the powers of the present. It is our own fault because we cannot call it quit ...25.09.2024133
Kevork Kevorkian: TargetKirchovtsi can be completely satisfied. No matter how much you consider them the first real comedy troupe in Bulgarian politics, for people who are no ...25.09.2024121
Shamans, Mysticism, Esotericism: What Putin BelievesSoviet media during the Gorbachev years were full of topics that were previously forbidden. Among them - materials about secret societies, esoteric te ...25.09.2024165
The future government and the issue of Peevski's dependenciesComment by Emilia Milcheva: The leader of “DPS-New beginning” Delyan Peevski worked so hard for the elections on October 27 that he man ...24.09.2024224
Toma Belev: About parking in SofiaIn a discussion under my post, one of the commenters wrote "In Sofia I live on Tsar Shishman. 11 apartments three , cars with a Blue Zone sticker ...24.09.2024184