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Fart for peace

How to pass such news...

Май 21, 2024 10:49 111

FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

How to pass such news? Is that news? Is it information? Is it propaganda? I dare not know. But it is this:

Europe is doing research on heating homes instead of gas with body heat.

That means – total lack of heating but said in a more non-shocking and almost kind way. You will be as warm as you can produce. If you think about it, this is a completely market principle. Even the most marketable in the last decade. Human body heat is, of course, one of the last untaxed physical phenomena, and it is well to give it numerical expression. You can't just splash and generate heat and get away with it for free. If you pay for water and air, how do you expect to get away with it?

A person at rest generates about 100 watts of energy, which is mostly heat. It's not much, but imagine a hundred people. That's 12 kilowatts of energy. There is nothing simpler than locking 100 people in a hermetically sealed room during the winter and leaving them to self-heat. This way you save from a dozen radiators. Now imagine the heat that can be generated by one million people. I won't bother you, I've figured it out. That's 120 megawatts. Wow!

I wonder, if this study succeeds and some Brussels academic gets to put a stamp on it, how they will make us close the nuclear power plant and the thermal power plants.

In addition, another advantage is observed. The modern European is already taking on the appearance of a god. Especially the two-faced Janus, but with the European the face is one or even missing, but on the other hand there are many buttocks. (It's no coincidence that we live in a time where the more asses we have – the more correct we are.)

A third benefit is that this is how we fight the need for gas and, respectively, collapse the economy of Russia.

The moment is right for a PR person to do a campaign – “Fart for peace.“ But the word “fart“ to be replaced with a softer one. Let's say “Breathe behind for peace.“ Both you breathe, and it is at the back, which is completely in the European trend, and for peace. A moment, if peace can be replaced with something more concrete like “die Putin“ it will be perfect. It will sound like this: “Breathe behind so that Putin dies.“

Yes, just kidding. You won't be able to breathe from behind, farts have nothing to do with peace and Putin doesn't care either. This is an example of how far liberal idiocy can go.

Otherwise, I have nothing against Euro studies being done on the caloric value of farts, but not in the science section, but in the Eurovision subsection.