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Kevork Kevorkian: Railing

Kircho's railing is the clearest symbol of what we live in

Nov 26, 2024 10:02 176

Kevork Kevorkian: Railing  - 1
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Besides Kircho's erotic teases and the word “railing” took on a new meaning. But we get used to any hogwash. We get used to everything – as if every morning we wake up with a memory washed with some kind of disinfectant, a new novena.

This commented on "Facebook" Kevork Kevorkian.

And the Kirch railing is the clearest symbol of what we live in – some smear outside of Time. Everything we do – or rather we pretend to do—invariably leads us to the Parapet. Power, elections, speaking – even the language that should stand the most tests – everything is lined up.

What they tell us is a parapetation, nothing more, like that other - the real thing, before the eye of the camera that records you. You know that you are being watched or will be watched, sooner or later, but you guard yourself.

You know you're talking nonsense, but you're enjoying yourself. And the Balams accept this and everything else. They accept to witness pollution everywhere they look – and whatever they hear.

We're done, literally done – but that doesn't scare anyone either. They don't want us as neighbors – and we meow about some Schengen. They don't want us, because it's obvious that we are encroaching even on ourselves.

Everything we do leads us to Nothingness. To exist in spite – this is our recipe. To exist in jest – that too, after the banter also passes for a joke. It's like we don't understand anything. Even in the madhouse they are more aware of themselves.

And nothing can startle us or at least make us think.

And the End Menu is rapidly increasing: someone mentions that there will be a current mode, but no one pays attention to it; electricity in Bulgaria is the most expensive in Europe; two million Bulgarians are energy poor; 15 thousand die every year from bad air – but there is no one to make a new version of the film “Breathe”, which stirred up totalitarian Bulgaria – the late anti-communists are busy hanging around the Parapet; the working poor are skyrocketing; we increasingly feed on foreign garbage; there are no investments – but this does not touch the parrots from the “markets” institutes.

And more: 240 years would be needed to reach the Germans in terms of income – fuck the Germans, we shout – and that is enough for us.

Hey, wasn't the entire population at some point, in the dark ages, on the ledge? They tell him that it will take half a Turkish slavery to get the Germans – and it doesn't even think about it. Then why was there all this fuss with the Turks?

Kostov used to say: “The whole transition became an adjustment”. That's right – they forced us to adapt to our own thieves, and the talentless ones from above.

For most of the slackers from the Government, it is clear from the very beginning that they will always stay by the Parapeta, that they are for there, for nowhere else, they are for somewhere else and are in no hurry.

The parapet is the pylon on which they will fly their flags.

Most of the types in question remind me of the words an author used to introduce his character: “He was 42 years old and about to turn thirteen”.

How old are our gluttons for power – we never ask ourselves that question. Even when it is obvious that nothing serious can be expected from them. Their thinking is watery, backbiting is their passion.

They don't know, and have never known, that the bills are always paid by the common people they despise. And they are also stupid enough and do not hide it.

Beside the Parapet not a single conscious thought can be born. These are people without any inhibitions. They will only sneer, and may not understand you, if you tell them that they have turned “politics” in cheap prostitution.

I'm now inclined to think that ProstoKircho's rampage is not caused by some momentary, unstoppable urge that he can't handle. It's probably something else, a special kind of exhibitionism that he foists on us because he thinks it will bring him some benefit in the battle for the attention and approval of the common people. It will be impressed by his actions – so thinks Kircho, who is aware of the existence of a camera and that everything near the railing is being recorded.

Anyway, he brutally humiliated a woman, which, however, did not affect her self-esteem at all. The parapet heroes seem to be some kind of our own robocops, whose tins are invulnerable to moral requirements and rules.

Kircho's exhibitionism is second to none. The general memory of the public seems ashamed to preserve its manifestations, and does not want anyone to explain them. However, many still remember how he brutally overturned one of his fleeting/corridor meetings with President Biden.

Now, after the presidential elections in the USA, in the absence of evidence of closeness with Trump, Kircho published his photo with Mike Pompeo. This was a hint of some kind of special relationship, given that Pompeo is also a former head of the CIA.

God help us if the Americans relied on any information from our Parapet.

Kircho's Siamese twin – Asen Vassilev – on the other hand, he indulges in another brand of exhibitionism: he exposes himself by serving, even when it is completely pointless because he is caught in his white underpants. It's as if he wants to be recognized as the Republic's Number One Liar. He has not yet confirmed, for example, whether he really did not know about the swindling of the Kirchovites with Russian gas, which the whole world learned about. Now another short-term amnesia hit him – he doesn't remember whose birthday parties he was a guest at. And he does it with the most radiant face imaginable.

These people are worthy of a more serious study. I can only provide its title: “Exhibitionists Pluck the Mind of the State“.

David Owen, Britain's well-known foreign secretary, but also health minister, once wrote a remarkable book – “The Diseases of Power”, published here fifteen years ago by “Zororets”. Particularly consistently and thoroughly, Owen explores the manifestations of the “Hubris Syndrome” – in other words, manifestations of arrogance, hubris, intoxication with power - or as a generalization”A narcissistic tendency to see the world primarily as an arena where they/those in power can exercise their power and seek glory, rather than as a place of trouble, which should be approached pragmatically, not from the point of view of one's own interests”.

In many of our parapet heroes, if not the signs, then at least the beginnings of this syndrome can be recognized. Again we shy away, again this stupid shyness of ours prevails and no one writes about these things.

This year “November 10” went almost unnoticed. Even the late anti-communists failed to mutter something about Zhivkov's “sag jaw“ – as if they have any credit for it.

Everyone benefits from Oblivion – and no one any longer claims to own a deed of Time.

They argued whose “ruins“ – but that's over too, and they don't care about that.

They care even less about what is left of the People.

Kevork Kevorkian via Facebook