Kevork Kevorkan
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Kevork Kevorkian: RailingBesides Kircho's erotic teases and the word “railing” took on a new meaning. But we get used to any hogwash. We get used to everything ...26.11.2024177
Kevork Kevorkian: You need rebels, not alarmists!I've had quite a few people call me – and, by the way, they keep asking me why I haven't written something about Wakers' Day this ye ...02.11.2024183
Kevork Kevorkian: The ossified futureBulgarian politicians are known to see no further than their pockets. You must be a complete fool to expect from them any dim insight, especially of t ...07.10.2024411
Kevork Kevorkian: We should have had a Day of Obedience a long time agoThe ritual took place. Now that's the important thing. “Independence Day” passed and left. “Report given – report accepted ...01.10.2024229
Kevork Kevorkian: TargetKirchovtsi can be completely satisfied. No matter how much you consider them the first real comedy troupe in Bulgarian politics, for people who are no ...25.09.2024119
Kevork Kevorkian: Servant styleAfter my op-ed “Tick the train” from last week, the reader Hari Slavov made the following comment: “ Kusturitsa should make a film a ...11.09.2024128
Kevork Kevorkian: Completely exhaustedIn fact, they are completely screwed – but let's be more gracious at least in the title. They are useless and they don't hide it anymore ...12.08.2024353
Who will pull the trigger?Biden is still not the undisputed champion in spewing nonsense, often outright nonsense. But his finger is closest to the trigger – and, as it i ...21.07.2024200
Kevork Kevorkian: HygienistsDid someone tip Malkovich – or he himself decided to stage B. Shaw's play “Arms and Man“ in Sofia? With “In the Solitud ...24.06.2024354
Kevork Kevorkian: Polygraph of the Kirov OblastDenkov never realized that he was being used by those around him who encouraged him to be an exalted talker of nonsense. ProstoKircho simply geniusly ...17.04.2024229
Kevork Kevorkian: KurnikThey believe that “the assembly“ is something like the Cheops pyramid - and it is a chicken, nothing more. This is what he commented on &q ...08.04.2024215