A start-up from Slovenia has introduced a new product for motorcyclists - the helmet cleaner called BIKERGUARD. According to the manufacturer, the accessory is better than all analogues on the market. A miniature motorized device mounts on the helmet visor and cleans the visor of water and dirt.
This gadget helps motorcyclists maintain clear visibility even in adverse weather conditions. The miniature electric motor in the gadget is hidden under a decorative body styled with a carbon fiber shell. Mounts in the center of the vent at the top of a regular full face helmet.

The mechanism does not prevent the lifting of the helmet visor in any way. The gadget is equipped with a lithium-ion battery that lasts up to 90 minutes, which is quite enough for most motorcycle trips.
According to BIKERGUARD representatives, the Chinese analogues that exist on the market are only low-quality copies of their previous model from 2019. The new version surpasses all, claim the manufacturer.
Charging is via a standard USB Type-C port. Despite the obvious advantages, BIKERGUARD also has limitations: it only works at speeds up to 50 km/h. However, hardly anyone would risk driving faster in the rain. The product retails for €399.