We had a Round Table on Counteracting the Spread of Vapes at the President's. And what did we hear - that we will fight dealers!? Why dealers and not drug trafficking across the border. If drugs don't cross the border, what will dealers sell? That's what I ask. When I talk to people from the underground, they tell me I'm right. But what does that mean? When 5 dealers are caught, 15 new ones come to the underground to replace them at will. Why? Because one dealer earns 500 leva per day. He announced this to Lili Marinkova in the studio “FACTI“ and the show “Conversation“ public figure Grigor Zdravkov – from the “Velichye“ party and “Antimafia“ Legia.
“I have been walking around with a package in my pocket for a week. We ordered a delivery of vape liquid through a website, and it was delivered to us by a courier company. There should be marijuana inside. All the messages that were after the round-the-clock were aimed at limiting drug dealers. We are starting from the bottom up. Nothing will be achieved like this. Are you wondering if someone from the services has contacted me, because I have been telling this for a week and I am showing it so that they ask me where I got it. The question is rhetorical… Why wasn't there a Round Table on Amphetamines, Cocaine and Marijuana, why wasn't it asked who covers the international drug trafficking at the border... Why don't customs ask how much hard drugs they've seized since the beginning of the year... Nothing good awaits us. Let's see what changes there will be at the American Embassy and we'll talk again," the guest also said.
See more of the conversation in the VIDEO.