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The European Commission has taken legal action against Bulgaria for 3 serious infringements

In Bulgaria, 10 large agglomerations with over 10,000 inhabitants do not meet the requirements of the Directive on sewage systems

Nov 14, 2024 19:34 257

The European Commission has taken legal action against Bulgaria for 3 serious infringements  - 1

With the regular package of decisions in relation to violations of European legislation, the European Commission takes legal action against member states that do not fulfill their obligations, arising from EU law.

Decisions on violation procedures against Bulgaria are:


The Commission is suing Bulgaria (INFR (2017) 2082) before the Court of Justice of the European Union for failure to fulfill the obligations set out in the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (Directive 91/271/EEC). Cities (agglomerations) must build the necessary infrastructure to collect and treat their urban wastewater. In July 2017, the Commission sent an official letter of notification to Bulgaria, followed by a reasoned opinion in May 2020. The Commission considers that the efforts of the Bulgarian authorities have been insufficient so far and is therefore bringing legal action. In Bulgaria, 10 large agglomerations with over 10,000 inhabitants do not meet the requirements of the directive on sewage systems. In 20 large agglomerations, the urban waste water that enters the sewage systems is not properly treated. And in 30 large agglomerations, Bulgaria does not provide stricter purification before releasing wastewater into sensitive areas. All these agglomerations had to comply by 31 December 2010. Although compliance with the directive is mainly the responsibility of national authorities, Bulgaria and Romania have benefited from significant EU funding for urban waste water treatment through policy projects of rapprochement.

More information is available in the media release.

Energy and climate

The Commission has sent a letter of formal notice to Bulgaria (INFR (2024) 2253) for failing to submit its final updated National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP) in accordance with the Regulation on the Governance of the Energy Union and Action in the field of climate. The final updated NEPCs are key tools to ensure that Member States set a concrete roadmap to achieve the EU's agreed targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, renewable energy and energy efficiency. Member States had to submit their final updated NAPs by 30 June 2024. To date, the Commission has received 14 final plans. After an intensive exchange of information following the presentation of the draft plans and the adoption of the Commission's recommendations to the Member States, 13 countries have not yet submitted final updated plans, including Bulgaria. Bulgaria has two months to respond to the Commission.

Financial stability, financial services and the Capital Markets Union

The Commission sent a reasoned opinion to Bulgaria (INFR (2024) 0012) for not notifying the Commission of the full transposition into national legislation of the amended Motor Insurance Directive (Directive (EU) 2021/2118 amending Directive 2009/ 103/EC). The directive aims to strengthen the protection of road accident victims and clarifies the scope of this protection, facilitates checks on compulsory car insurance and creates a mechanism to compensate victims in the event of insolvency of the responsible insurer. It also facilitates switching of insurers for policyholders by ensuring equal and non-discriminatory treatment of certificates of claim. The deadline for transposing the directive into national law was 23 December 2023. On 25 January 2024, the Commission sent a letter of formal notice. Due to the lack of a satisfactory answer, the Commission decided to issue a reasoned opinion. Bulgaria has two months to respond and take the necessary measures.