The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) said it had detained a senior official at the anti-terrorist center on suspicion of espionage for Russia, Reuters reported, quoted by BTA.
The detainee was the center's chief of staff and worked for Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB), the SSU said on "Telegram", without revealing the employee's name. “We used encrypted software to penetrate his devices. "We were part of his life and managed to qualitatively document the collection and transmission of information to the enemy," said the head of the SSU, Vasyl Malyuk.
According to the SSU, the detained officer had at least 14 attempts at illegal activity, for which he was accused of treason. The person had held a leading position in the anti-terrorist department since 2016. Malyuk added that during the operation to capture him, the SSU sent misleading information to Moscow.
Since the beginning of the war between Ukraine and Russia, Ukrainian officials have reported a number of operations revealing agents recruited by Moscow. Ukraine accuses these agents of espionage, providing coordinates of military targets, setting fire to military vehicles, and other malicious actions.
The SSU recently stated that Russian spies are organizing bombings of design bureaus across Ukraine in an attempt to undermine mobilization efforts.