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At UniBIT: Anniversary student scientific conference and exhibition with international participation

The only forum of its kind in Bulgaria is under the sign of the 1160th anniversary of the Conversion of the Bulgarians (840)

Май 12, 2024 11:19 6 350

At UniBIT: Anniversary student scientific conference and exhibition with international participation  - 1

With the Academic Interaction – the oratorio-epiphany “HOMO LUCIS (The Man of Light) – St. Venerable Ivan Rilski Miracle Worker: The Three Brothers and the Golden Apple”, the University of Library Science and Information Technologies (UniBIT) opens on May 17, 2024 its 10th Anniversary Student Scientific Conference and Exhibition with international participation “Information – Reason – Wisdom” “Information– Reason – Wisdom” with motto: “Your descendants will reap your fruits” – “Carpent tua poma nepotes” – “Your fruits will reap the heirs”.

Although the forum is live, a link to join it remotely is also active:


Through the work of nine TERMINALS (Round Tables) on semantic research circles, organized in three SECTIONS: “Library science, bibliography, bibliography”; section “Information technologies”; “Cultural-Historical Heritage”), at the conference receive publicity:

- the bibliographic database of publications of the students and doctoral students of the university of 4576 numbered titles, made in the following different specialties, among which there are also those of students from other universities from Bulgaria, Great Britain, Russia, Hungary for 2005-2024, carried out in line with the previous annual student scientific conferences of UniBIT;

- 537 papers presented at this forum, which are ranked as follows: 284 are scientific studies and 253 are essays.

The only forum of its kind in Bulgaria – the annual student scientific conferences of UniBIT with international participation and with their associated annual periodical with a regular information interval and with regular periodicity – “Proceedings of the Student Scientific Society at UniBIT” (S., 2008-; by 2024: vols. I-XIX), is under the sign of the 1160th anniversary of the Conversion of the Bulgarians (840), the 1148th anniversary of the birth of the patron of the Bulgarian people St. Venerable Ivan Rila the Wonderworker (876-946) and the 555th anniversary of the return of his relics from Tarnovo to the Rila Monastery (1469) and the 200th anniversary of the first edition of “Primer with various teachings” (1824) – also called “The Fish Primer” because the first page of the cover features a whale – by Dr. Petar Beron (1799-1871), creator of the first Bulgarian encyclopedic work “Panepistemia” (10 items: items 1-8 + 2 additions to item 7. – 1861-1868).

It is encyclopedism that is the central theme of UniBIT's emblematic annual conference – overview of the student and doctoral academic activity and its iconic Round Table “VIVAT ALMA MATER – UniBIT's cognitive encyclopedic publications and their creative laboratory – foundation of the student scientific society at UniBIT”. In the focus of attention here is the first “Orthodox Encyclopedia of Bulgaria” (S., 2023) – the work of Prof. Milen Kumanov (1942-2021) and published by the Academic Publishing House of UniBIT “ About the letters – Oh I wrote” as the XXXIII book of the bibliographic and historiographic reference-encyclopedic series “Faklonosci” (S., 2010-; by 2024: vols. I-XXIV) within the framework of a successfully finalized project on the topic “ World Topos of Informatization in Bulgaria: Encyclopedia – Bulgarika (Generation of reference-bibliographic educational information resources of the Research Center for Stimulating Student Academic Activity at the University of Library Science and Information Technologies)” – under Contract N NIP-2023-01 of 16.02.2023 under the Ordinance of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

It is remarkable that the encyclopedia is accompanied by the first textbook on encyclopedias published in our country and in the world – “Encyclopedia” which is the work of Prof. Alexandra Kumanova – head of the only in Bulgaria the Student Scientific Society at UniBIT (SNO, 2005- ) and its Scientific Research Center for Stimulating Student Academic Activity (NISSSA, 2022- ).

Traditionally, the SNO forum at UniBIT is held on the eve of May 24 – a national holiday of Bulgarian education and culture and of Slavic writing and is dedicated to this date, when the Open Doors Day of the University is celebrated with special solemnity and in the presence of representatives of science, culture, government and civil society from the country and abroad.< /p>

This year, the focus of the conference is its two competitions:
1) For a scientific commentary (information picture) on works of Bulgarian fine literature (IX-XXI centuries) “ANTOLOGY”;
2) For the most accurate, brief and comprehensive definition of the phenomenon “WISDOM”.

It should be specially pointed out that the reference-encyclopedic information resources created by SNO for the universities, libraries, archives, galleries and museums in our country and around the world – both in traditional and e-form – are modeled in three overlapping full-text document streams:
1) in the cited yearbook with scientific publications of the students and doctoral students of the University and the participants from the country and abroad in the forums of the university's academic partners – “Works of SNO at UniBIT”;

2) in the modulation of the specified Academic bibliographic, historiographic and encyclopedic series of hypertexts “Faklonosci”;

3) in maintaining 33 e-libraries on key issues of informatization, including systematized bibliographic information in 50 languages.

This complex reference-information mapping of knowledge is a bibliographic and historiographically based encyclopedic movement that has the expertise of scientists from 4 continents and 23 countries of the world: Austria, Algeria, Bulgaria, Vatican, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Israel, India, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, United States of America, Turkey, Ukraine, France – scientific editors and reviewers of the scientific production of SNO at UniBIT.

The participation of the forum on May 17, 2024 is noteworthy – along with foreign scientists – and 16 foreign students: 1 from Great Britain and 15 from the USA.

XX Anniversary Student Scientific Conference and Exhibition with international participation is being held under the project of the Ministry of Education and Culture “Trial Bibliographic – Historiographical – An encyclopedic model of hypertext for the purposes of the complex provision of the educational and extracurricular educational process to stimulate student academic activity at the University of Library Science and Information Technology (Education of holistic systemic thinking and scientific civic action)” – under Contract N NIP-2024-01 dated 25.04.2024 under the Ordinance of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
