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SGP: Brendo was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 2018, but he was not on the territory of Bulgaria to serve it

Today, the convicted person volunteered to serve the sentence. After establishing the identity, the convict was placed in the Sofia prison

Jun 24, 2024 13:10 213

SGP: Brendo was sentenced to 6 years in prison in 2018, but he was not on the territory of Bulgaria to serve it  - 1

In connection with numerous media inquiries received regarding the sentence of Evelyn Banev - Brendo and its execution, the Sofia City Prosecutor's Office (SGP) informs the following:

With a judgment of 15.02.2013 of the Sofia City Court (CSC), which entered into force on 26.04.2018, E.B. was found guilty of the fact that for the period from 17.10.2002 to 30.05.2005 on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, the United Kingdom
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the British Virgin Islands, the United States of America, the Swiss Confederation and the Republic of Austria participated in an organized criminal group together with two other persons, created for the purpose of committing crimes under article 253 of the Criminal Code – carrying out financial operations (depositing cash and orders for transfers of sums of money from various bank accounts of companies in banks abroad to the Republic of Bulgaria for crediting the activities of “PFY“ AD) with money that they knew was acquired through illegal drug trafficking – acquisition, distribution, holding, transportation and transfer of high-risk
narcotic substances in large quantities without a proper permit – crime under Art. 321, para. 3, item 2, in conjunction with para. 2 of the NC.

Imprisonment for a term of 6 years under an initial strict prison regime was imposed. With the sentence, the court took into account and deducted the preliminary detention of the convicted.

The Sofia City Prosecutor's Office has opened a criminal case file based on the effective sentence received. The supervising prosecutor has taken the necessary actions to execute the sentence. The convicted person is not established on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.

He has been declared a nationwide wanted man, a European Arrest Warrant has been issued and he has been declared an international wanted man.

In 2021 and 2022, the convicted person submitted applications to the SGS on the basis of the Law on recognition, execution and sending of judicial acts for the imposition of the punishments of deprivation of liberty or measures involving deprivation of liberty, with
who wants to recognize and accept for execution in the Republic of Bulgaria judicial acts issued against him, with which he was sentenced to imprisonment by the competent judicial authorities of two other countries that are members of the European Union – Romania and Italy.

Both applications of the convict were left without consideration because the applicant was not in the territory of the European Union, as required by the special law.

On 24.06.2024, the convicted person volunteered to serve his sentence. After establishing the identity and carrying out administrative procedures, the convicted person was placed in the Sofia prison to serve the sentence of deprivation of liberty, which was considered as the beginning of the sentence.