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Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: We need the great goal and unification!

Saxe-Coburg-Gothsky emphasized that, in addition to the natural resources that Bulgaria possesses, there is another, more valuable wealth

Nov 12, 2024 21:23 155

Simeon of Saxe-Coburg: We need the great goal and unification!  - 1

Former Prime Minister Simeon of Saxe-Coburg-Gothsky told the BNR that in these difficult times, more than ever, our country it takes unity and a great goal for all to believe in and follow.

"I want to see a prosperous Bulgarian society. I think it's not something unattainable, with today's technological capabilities, but something needs to motivate us all. Imagine what a wonderful challenge it would be for people to say: Until we get somewhere, we won't stop! This is, but it's a dream, but hopefully we'll see it sooner, not in three, four generations," he said in a videocast of the public radio series "Speak..." dedicated to his father's work &ndash ; Tsar Boris III, called the Unifier by the Bulgarians.

According to Saxe-Coburg Gothic, as much as "pessimisms and catastrophisms" experienced by the Bulgarian people in recent years, people are capable and have the opportunity to change their lives and being.

"We will survive, we also have our place in the European Union, which is an additional guarantee that our country will survive. In that respect I am not worried, these are just moments now and of course we are going through them hard. But if we look back or forward in 20 years, most of these worries or concerns will not seem to us to have been justified at all. For poor and rich, I am of the opinion that it is the same in all countries. The question is how they recover and look forward and how they unite to pull the country forward. I thought that here we could have achieved much more, in these more than 30 years, if we were united", he commented.

Sakskoburggotsky emphasized that, in addition to the natural resources that Bulgaria possesses, there is another, more valuable wealth, namely the young and studious Bulgarians, who glorify our homeland with their ability before the world.

"On the world map, where we are is something very specific – with all possible alternatives and perspectives, and the people themselves are of a higher level, above average than many other countries where I have lived and seen. We are specialists and we beat ourselves up, but if we look around and if one sees the results of our young people, who follow various programs abroad, it is phenomenal to see what results they come back with. I think that in this respect we are far richer than what we think, because there is a certain love of the poor in our country, which is very special, but it is there, concluded the former prime minister.