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Prof. Milena Stefanova: There is no way to form a working majority in the National Assembly without GERB

If the PP does not come to its senses - we will go to elections, the political scientist believes

Nov 24, 2024 15:34 146

Prof. Milena Stefanova: There is no way to form a working majority in the National Assembly without GERB  - 1

There is no way to form a working majority in the National Assembly assembly without GERB. The upcoming leadership meeting between GERB and PP-DB gives hope that an attempt will be made to form a governing majority both to elect a president and to form a government. If the PP does not come to its senses and stop imposing the dictates of the minority – a familiar past practice of this political party trying to impose itself, we are going to elections.

This is what he said in the show "Metronome" on Radio "Focus" the political scientist and former vice-rector of SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" prof. Milena Stefanova.

"In fact, what happened was to test whether an alternative majority could be formed without GERD – it was seen that it cannot, from now on I think that the process will speed up", she said and pointed out that our constitutional process is made in such a way that before the chairman of the National Assembly is constituted, political groups cannot be formed, the president cannot hand mandates, and this is the time that is entirely in the power of the deputies. But there is the concept of "reasonable term", so sooner or later there will be an election of the speaker of the parliament and there will not be a constitutional crisis in this direction, she believes.

"Pure parliamentary arithmetic shows that they need three political lists: GERB-SDS, PP-DB and a third possibly BSP or ITN. And maybe all four together. Then 144 MPs are obtained as a possible majority, which will be a very heavy majority. We see that the dictate of the small formations is showing a very large influence at the moment on the potential negotiations" pointed out the political scientist.

"According to Prof. Stefanova from the political parties in the parliament at the moment DPS "New beginning" hold a very adequate position, who do not make claims, but "only vote "against" themselves. and are silent". GERB-SDS also take an adequate position, since they must be able to defend their position for the sake of the voters who voted for them, "and they cannot make any compromises and concessions forever". The position of the DB is also adequate, as they do not want to compromise the possibility of preserving any type of democracy when making their decision for the Speaker of the National Assembly, voting in one majority with "Revival".

There is a crisis in the party system, Prof. Stefanova, which, according to her, leads to a crisis in the representation as well. "This crisis in the party system has manifested itself over the past four years much more seriously than before, because previously in some parties erosion processes were visible, such as in the BSP, but there things were more unprecedented compared to the DPS, which is very closed as an organization".

"No one expected the split in the DPS, but it happened, and it happened exactly in a way that endangered the others. This division, within the DPS, will continue to influence the political process for a long time, so the other political players will have to adapt to this situation. But I can't divide and oppose them – this is wrong. Things should be left to be resolved there through their internal party channels, perhaps with the intervention of the judicial institutions".

There is also erosion in GERB, she further explained, which, according to her, is not due to a split within the party, but due to some practices that are not very suitable for the development of a democratic state with the rule of law.

"The other characteristic feature of this crisis in the party system is that the urban right for a long time could not consolidate in any way and did not even manage to broadcast representation in the National Assembly.

According to the political scientist, in the last few years, some kind of replacement of the active parties in the party system has been sought to bring some different reading, which is quite dangerous. For her, the parliamentary republic is the most suitable form of government in Bulgaria precisely because of this type of differences in the value orientations that people have and in the interests that are generated on the basis of these common values. "What we lack is a modern, contemporary political culture in the parties. The absolute majority will not appear soon, this savior is not visible on the horizon, and therefore politicians should sit down and talk civilly and reach agreements among themselves", concluded the political scientist Prof. Milena Stefanova.