The first Bulgarian in world boxing and three-time world champion Desi Kirova (Daisy Lang) refused to be evacuated from the raging fires in Los Angeles. The reason is that she wants to be close to her beloved husband Taylor, who has been on the front lines in the battle with the fire element since day one. What does Los Angeles look like today… Daisy Lang (Desi Kirova) speaks to FACTI.
- Ms. Kirova, an indescribable disaster has befallen Los Angeles. Huge fires have devastated part of the city. What is the situation at the moment?
- Yes, unfortunately natural disasters can happen anywhere. Los Angeles is a city of 18 million and it is difficult to completely destroy it, individual neighborhoods are affected, which you are aware of, which are as big as individual towns. The situation is currently under control, but the fires are not completely extinguished…
- When did you realize that it was getting scary?
- Basically, we knew in advance about the arrival of this hurricane wind ”Santa Ana”, which began around January 9 and spread the fire in seconds. A state of emergency was declared and people prepared for evacuation.
- Do you already have an explanation for why all this happened?
- I personally do not believe any speculation, but the facts that showed that the city's infrastructure was not prepared for such a disaster.
The tanks for such cases turned out to be empty and water had to be taken from the ocean,
There were not enough firefighters, the strong wind did not allow the use of airplanes, helicopters to help extinguish the fire in time. The situation lost control.
- Once again, we see and understand that we cannot fight nature. What lessons do you learn for yourself?
- For me, people's lives and health come first, without a doubt. In such a situation, there is no time for self-pity. We need to act quickly, right now.
- Your home is saved. How close did the fire get to you?
- Unfortunately, I can't be sure that my home is saved until the wind stops blowing completely and the fires are completely extinguished.
- Many people, including famous actors, lost their homes. How much are the losses estimated at?
- Billions of dollars … the losses are huge.
- Do Americans insure their homes?
- Some are insured, some are not.
- Will American insurance companies be able to cover the damage?
- I hope that happens. Time will tell.

- What is the lesson for you from this incident? The American dream can burn down in a fire, but what happens to people's lives…
- With various natural anomalies, there is no “American Dream”, no country or nationality. This can happen anywhere. Every person's home should have at least 3 days of water, canned goods, flashlights, and clothing for possible evacuation.
- Do you see a change in the people living in Los Angeles after the fires?
- I notice great humanity and mutual assistance between people, as well as concern for the near future - the tragedy cannot be described in words. The gyms are crowded - playing sports is the best therapy. Many events are coming up that will show in what direction those who have lost everything will orient themselves. I personally have never seen such a “horror movie” live. I don't wish it on anyone. I am grateful to God and to everyone who prayed for us and cared if we were okay. The rescue services were very well organized. There was drinking water and food for everyone. The military intervened in time to prevent the looting and killings that accompany such anomalies. I hope everything will end completely soon.