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Weather today, forecast for Friday, January 31: Cloudiness is breaking up to sunny

Maximum temperatures will be between 12° and 17°

Jan 30, 2025 19:52 141

Weather today, forecast for Friday, January 31: Cloudiness is breaking up to sunny  - 1

Fog will form again in the plains and valleys and visibility will be reduced by noon, BNT reported.

Minimum temperatures will be between 0° and 5°, in Sofia - around 0°.

Maximums - almost unchanged - between 12° and 17°, in Sofia - around 12°. During the day, the cloudiness will break up to mostly sunny weather. A weak to moderate northwest wind will blow.

Also along the Black Sea coast, the cloudiness will gradually break up and decrease, at the latest over the extreme northern regions. A weak to moderate northwest wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be between 10° and 16°. The sea swell will remain 2 - 3 points.

In the mountains, cloudiness will also decrease and by noon in most massifs it will already be mostly sunny.

A moderate wind will blow from the west-northwest, along the ridges from the southwest.

It will also be unusually warm for the period and mostly sunny in the Balkans. It will remain cloudy in the northeastern part of the peninsula and in the extreme northwestern regions, where rain is possible.

Over the weekend, it will remain warm for the beginning of February, and yet daytime temperatures will drop by a few degrees. The probability of precipitation is small. In the lowlands and valleys, conditions for reduced visibility remain. A significant change is expected at the beginning of the new week - it will be very windy, cloudy and with precipitation, temperatures will quickly drop. During the night to Tuesday, the rain will mix with snow. On Tuesday, the probability of precipitation decreases, and the clouds will temporarily break from the west.