“We have no right to waste the party's forces on internal opposition. Let's close the conflicts, channel our forces in a positive direction and gather individuals who can contribute to the growth of the BSP. I have an idea to attract professionals in the formation of the party's policy, we need solutions that are realistic and applicable“, the candidate for BSP chairman called at a meeting with socialists in Burgas. He warned that dependencies and suspicions of corruption should not be allowed, because they will not be forgiven by the people.

“We can mobilize and make the BSP an effective party that can impose its policies. We can together reform the party from within and emerge stronger from the government“, Vigenin expressed his conviction. He explained that he is the only candidate for chairman who has published his program for changing the BSP and its highlights are discussed in his meetings with socialists throughout the country.
Kristian Vigenin outlined the need to expand the influence of the BSP in scientific and cultural circles: “We can create a network of scientists and representatives of creative circles, which will be a center for the exchange of ideas and discussions. It is important for the BSP to open up to this rich national resource, because this is another opportunity to contribute to the development of our country.“ He is also ready to resume training for young people in the BSP, as well as to assign them more responsibilities.
The manifestations of neo-fascism in society are disturbing, believes Kristian Vigenin. Therefore, he suggests that the BSP take an initiative to preserve anti-fascist monuments. “We must identify at least one such monument in each region and restore it, in connection with the 80th anniversary of the victory over Hitler-fascism. Systematic counteraction against neo-fascist movements is our responsibility. It is necessary to recognize the faces of modern fascism and neutralize them with constructive initiatives. Some political forces want to remove the monuments in order to erase our history and memory. We cannot let them do it!“, emphasized the deputy chairman of the BSP.

Kristian Vigenin said that he was a supporter of the direct election of the party chairman even before it was introduced in the BSP, because he had seen its positive effect in other European left-wing parties. “It is not good to take away this right, the vote of every socialist is important. Moreover - we are in a direct election procedure and its cancellation would create a legal problem for a possible appeal of the chairman elected by the congress“, he warned. Regarding the figure of the future chairman, Vigenin believes that he should be a person who can protect the face of the party and keep it at a certain distance from the government.
“I am entering the race for chairman of the BSP to win it. We need a person with managerial, party and parliamentary experience, who knows the problems and offers long-suffering solutions“, concluded the deputy chairman of the party in front of the packed hall. A man of his word and a man of honor - this is how some of the people participating in the meeting described Christian Vigenin. They recalled specific actions of Vigenin as a member of parliament - such as the protection of livestock breeders in Bolyarovo. His thorough work in resolving public cases and problems was highlighted.