The acts of the Constitutional Court must be implemented, not interpreted. The CEC should comply with the instructions of the magistrates, said the Minister of Justice Georgi Georgiev before the meeting of the Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council.
He commented on this in connection with the Constitutional Court's ruling, which assigned the CEC to conduct a nationwide recalculation of the results of the parliamentary elections held on October 27.
"The budget proposed by the Council of Ministers for the judiciary includes over 140 million leva in addition for personnel. This is a budget of the possible, not the desired", Georgiev also said. According to him, a large part of the demands of the judiciary have been satisfied and none of the important functions of the system will be affected. "It is a matter of parliamentary procedure whether there will be a reshuffle between the two readings", the Minister of Justice also pointed out.
He stated that a meeting would be convened between representatives of the Supreme Judicial Council, the Ministry of Finance and the National Revenue Agency to increase the collection of the judiciary's receivables. However, some of the debtors are either in prison or have multiple liens. "More active measures are needed, we have sought the assistance of the Revenue Agency and the Finance Department in order to make a plan to overcome these difficulties", said Georgiev.