There is a crack in the ruling coalition. Even a slight crack can split a mountain or bring down a house, if we use metaphors. This was commented on in an interview for the program "Newsroom" on Radio "Focus" by political scientist Teodor Slavev. "Obviously, people around Dogan want an exit to power through specific individuals and are watching what other appointments are made, so that with this split in the DPS they can give a sign to the people below that they have some strength, an exit to power. This is their idea - to show that they can give a strong pushback in the battle with Delyan Peevski. This happens both through regulators and through appointments in the executive branch," he said.
"There is another question that is broader in relation to the MRF-Dogan and that is whether their possible exit and non-support of the government would be a positive scenario for them. At this stage, I am skeptical about this, because they will go to the same elections and by their own admissions, by their own words, because they say it, they list specific names, they claim that they are close to Peevski, they have not limited such influences, which they claim that Peevski has. But they could give a signal by not supporting the government on certain decisions in parliament. This will not be on the budget, it seems to me that it will pass, although between the two readings there will be tension in the specifics. DPS-Dogan will not give signals on the budget, it will be on personnel issues“, predicts Slavev.
Regarding the protests of “Vazrazhdane“ against the introduction of the euro in our country, the political scientist commented: “It is unacceptable for violence to be a tool of politics, in any form, but these are not new things that we have not seen in Bulgaria. “Vazrazhdane“ have a plateau, a ceiling that they have reached with their electoral support. From there on, they need exactly this type of topics and issues on which to try to leapfrog this electorate of theirs. They are picking up from topic to topic in order to be able to make this breakthrough. They will not succeed with the euro and electorally I do not think that this will bring them enlargement, because this repels“.
In the words of Teodor Slavev, "Vazrazhdane" remains alone and purely politically: "They have isolated themselves politically and present themselves as unbalanced people who are prone to violence in order to impose their theses, which is unacceptable and unreasonable".
As for the adoption of the euro in our country and the fears of the people, Teodor Slavev commented: "I understand these fears, because if we look at the sociological surveys, they are mainly drawn from the elderly part of the population. These people remember 35 years of traumas related to the financial and currency system of the state. And they are right to feel fears, because they have lived experience with how the institutions and the state betray them. And here we need to come out and calm these people down and really explain to them what is happening and what will happen. But we don't see anything like that. Unfortunately, our institutions seem to be becoming even more dysfunctional“.
"There are no innocents in terms of the Resilience Restoration Plan and the complete failure of the reforms set. Targeting purely party accusations will not lead to us moving forward“, explained Teodor Slavev and drew attention: "The next multiannual financial framework of the EU, after 2027, began to be negotiated this year, because this is a very complex process. From now on, funds will no longer just be poured in. And if our institutions and parties want to benefit from European solidarity at all, which is very important for Bulgaria, in order for us to grow and develop forward, they will have to rethink the entire way in which we operate European money. And with the addition that the money under the EU budget from 2027 onwards will be linked to the reports on the rule of law, which are for each individual country and the implementation of them. From there on, we, with our problems, an unreformed system and problems that we have been sweeping under the carpet for years, can expect very difficult implementation of the money that comes from Brussels“, concluded Teodor Slavev.