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Weather today, forecast for Saturday, March 15: Mostly cloudy, increasing wind and very warm for the season

Maximum temperatures will reach 25 – 30°

Mar 15, 2025 03:59 60

Weather today, forecast for Saturday, March 15: Mostly cloudy, increasing wind and very warm for the season  - 1

After the expected night precipitation in the morning, minimum temperatures will be from 8 to 13°, BNT reported. In Sofia – around 11°. During the day, the cloudiness will be mostly significant, but high, the wind from the south-southwest will increase and will be moderate and strong, north of the mountains – to stormy. It will be very warm for mid-March. Maximum temperatures will reach 25 – 30°, in the capital around 26°.

In the mountains there will be high cloudiness, a strong and stormy southwest wind will blow. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 m will be around 19°, at 2000 meters – around 11°.

There will be scattered high clouds along the Black Sea coast. A moderate and strong south-southwesterly wind will blow. Maximum temperatures will be from 17-18° along the northern coast, to 26° along the southern coast. The sea water temperature is 8-9°. The sea waves will be 2-3 balls.

On Sunday, cumulus and cumulus-rainy clouds will develop with short-term precipitation. The wind will weaken. Cold air will penetrate, but temperatures will still be higher than usual, minimums - between 10 and 15°, and maximums - between 20 and 25°.