„As you know, I am against machine voting. It is applied in Europe and has shown disastrous results. There is another political axiom - never count large electoral databases a second time. Did we count a second time - we counted. Did anything good come out - no”. This was stated in the program „Offensive with Lyubo Ognyanov” on NOVA NEWS by mathematician Prof. Mikhail Konstantinov.
„The situation around us is not at all a joke. At least three countries are in a severe political crisis - Romania, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Two other countries have tense relations - Greece and Turkey. There is also a severe crisis in the RSM. We were the island of stability. Suddenly we did everything possible to collapse it. Now we are swimming unhappily and wondering what is going on,” he added.
He claims to believe the election results. “A month before the elections and on the very day, during the sociological surveys and exit polls, they came out with exactly the results that the CEC announced,” Konstantinov explained.
Regarding the missing ballots, he added:
“Let's not forget that behind these 70 votes that are missing are signatures from members of the CEC. And this data was initially entered into the database and that is how the first parliament was declared. So it is not true that there are no traces of these votes”.
When asked how he explains the fact that the Constitutional Court had not allowed the CEC to publish the protocols, he answered as follows:
“This is a mistake by the Constitutional Court. The purpose of electoral procedures is not so much to obtain one election result or another, but to maintain the trust of the people”.