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The founder of Rome had a Bulgarian name

The distance from Bulgaria is shorter than we could have ever imagined

Apr 26, 2024 14:05 305


Yes, all roads lead to Rome? Yes, but the distance from Bulgaria to Rome is shorter than we could have ever imagined. Genetic, linguistic, cultural, historical distance. An irrefutable argument triumphantly confirms this!

I have been researching the origin of the name Remus (Remus), twin brother of Romulus, the founder of Rome, in connection with the name of Remetalcus, king of the Odrysians. Rem - Remo is still alive and popular today in Italy, and also in France - Remy. However, the explanation of its meaning by Italian historians and linguists did not seem convincing to me - "oar", "oar" - from the Italian verb "remere" - "oar". No one would bear such a name, and yet it was only logical that the twins' names were associated with "river" and "water". According to the legend, transmitted most comprehensively by Titus Livius ("History of Rome") and Plutarch ("Life of Romulus"), King Amulius became ruler of Alba Longa, displacing his first-born brother Numitor. Fearing revenge, he kills Numitor's sons and forces his daughter, Rhea Silvia, to become a vestal to deprive her of hope of having offspring. However, the god Mars possessed the virgin and she gave birth to two male twins. Alas, the poor mother is buried alive, according to the harsh law that priestesses of the goddess Vesta must be virgins and pay the most terrible death for breaking their vow. Her offspring are placed in a basket and entrusted to the flow of the river Anien, a tributary of the Tiber. Soon the basket got stuck between the Capitoline and Palatine hills. There they are nursed by the "Capitol she-wolf". Faustulus, a swineherd of Amulius, discovers them and takes them home to his wife Acca Larentia. The two give names to the newborns and raise them as their own children. Numitor later recognizes his grandchildren, Amulius is put to death, and the grandfather of Romulus and Remus reigns over Alba Longa.

"The Capitol Twins" Romulus and Remus are direct descendants of the Trojan hero, Dardanian king and son-in-law of Priam - Aeneas, who brought a large group of refugees from Troy to Latium on the Italian peninsula. It has long been proven that the Trojans (Dardani) were Thracians, but this also applies to the peoples who settled earlier in the Apennines. And yet, the discovery that the name - an emblem of the Roman people, which created the most powerful empire in Antiquity - IS BULGARIAN

is striking.


The name Romulus is not diminutive, despite the "ending" "ul", which may suggest such a thought. The fact is that in Latin the name is pronounced Romulus, where if we remove the characteristic Latin suffix "us", the word remains "romul", not "rom". Therefore, we must look for the meaning of Romulus, because even in modern Italian the pronunciation of the name is "ROMOLO", not ROMO or RUMO. In this case, the insinuations that Romulus came from "Rum", which are spread by ignorant persons who have neither historical education nor a concept of ancient languages, are not only ridiculous, but also harmful. Highlighting the word "rumon" as the prototype of the name Romulus, these persons seek to obsess my idea, hiding behind the minimal difference between "Romulus" and "romon", having already read my article on this subject. Plagiarism is a scourge for scientific research in Bulgaria, especially when it comes to historical science. Any pseudo-intelligent can readily take other people's ideas from the Internet and retell them, presenting them as his own discoveries.

Italian etymological dictionaries claim that "romulus" is an Etruscan word related to a river. Given the claims of Herodotus that the Etruscans were Lydians, and according to the latest historical research, the origin of the Lydians was Thracian and they spoke the Thracian language, the only word that fully corresponds to the name Romulus is ROMOLUS - ON THE RIVER. I claim this based on the mounting evidence, much of which I myself have uncovered in my research, that the Thracian language is actually the ANCIENT BULGARIAN LANGUAGE.

And so - the name of the founder of Rome can be accurately translated only through the Bulgarian language, in which the word ROMOL is still alive today - romol on a river!

The Thracian, respectively Bulgarian, origin of the name Romulus is also confirmed by the fact that the founder of Rome was the heir of the Trojan Aeneas, and the Trojans are part of the Thracian ethnic group.

Here is yet another and in this case SCREAMING PROOF that Trojans and Etruscans are a branch of the Bulgarian people. Indeed, it is an extraordinary pride to know that the founder of the Eternal City, URBE AETERNA, the one who gave it its name, the first king of Rome and patriarch of the Julian race (gens Iulia), from whom descended Julius Caesar, Octavian Augustus, and all dynasty of emperors, he spoke Bulgarian. This is convincing proof of the identity of Thracians and Bulgarians as an ethnic group. The word "ROMOL" and today, after three millennia, it is alive and unchanged, preserved in our speech as a divine testimony, as a messenger of truth for Bulgaria!

It is interesting that in Roman history the holy concept "POMERIUM" (POMERIUM). This is the furrow marking the inviolable boundaries of the Eternal City, made by the hand of Romulus himself, who killed his brother Remus for crossing it. For Italian linguistics, the origin of this word is completely inexplicable, its translation is impossible. And for a Bulgarian, the meaning is clear - MEASURED, MEASURED - from measure, measure.