On September 13, we celebrate Saint Cornelius. He came from a noble Roman family and was a centurion (centurion) of the First Italian Legion.
At first he was a pagan, but he believed in Christ after he was honored to see an angel of God and receive a message from above - to find the apostle Peter and fulfill his every command. Then Cornelius and his whole family received Holy Baptism from the Apostle Peter himself. Cornelius left the army and became his follower and companion.
When the apostle Peter was in Ephesus, he received information that in the city of Scipios, paganism ruled with brute force. The apostle, Timothy and Cornelius were debating which of them should go to proclaim the word of God in that city, sunk in darkness and the shadow of death. They cast lots and Cornelius was chosen.
Tradition says that the zealous Cornelius immediately went to the inhabitants of this wicked city. There he suffered many insults and tortures for Christ. By the power of God he destroyed the temple of Apollo and baptized the prince of that city, Demetrius, together with several hundred pagans.
Reached a ripe old age. God foretold him the day of death. He called all the Christians to him in the course of some time. He gave them final instructions to prosper in the Christian virtues. He prayed to God for all of them, left his successor and quietly and blissfully died.
Over time, his grave was forgotten and abandoned. But the saint appeared to the Troad bishop Silouan, pointed out his grave and suggested that a temple of God be built on this place. The bishop fulfilled the order with the help of the benevolent Christian Eugene. Many miracles were performed by the relics of St. Cornelius. Until the end of his life he served God faithfully.
Name day is celebrated by Cornelia.
Who has a name day today, September 13, 2024. Congratulations
Celebrate and draw Cornelia
Sep 13, 2021 08:47 57