On January 20, we pay tribute to one of the most deserving Bulgarians, who strengthened spirituality and faith in the most difficult times.
The Church honors the memory of Saint Evtimius, Patriarch of Tarnovo. Evtim, Evtimii, Evtima, Eftim, Eftimiy celebrate their name day.
January 20 is also Petlyovden in the new style. It is also celebrated on February 2 in the old style. The national holiday has a regional distribution and is celebrated mainly in the eastern Bulgarian ethnic territory. It is accepted as a male holiday to stimulate the fertility of boys. In some places it is also considered a male analogue of the Babinden custom, and according to some researchers, it is a successor to an ancient Slavic holiday in honor of hunting and beekeeping, which welcomes the new generation of hunters.
In folk tradition, the holiday is known as Ihtim, Ihtima, Petlyovden, Petelarovden or Petlarovden. The last three names are related to the main ritual practice - the sacrifice of a rooster in every house with a male household. In those homes where there are girls, the owners usually slaughter a black rooster for their health.
The bird's legs are thrown onto the roof of the house, and its feathers are preserved. With them, grandmothers incense sick or cursed children.
In the Strandzha region, where the folk cult of St. Evtim is particularly developed, every woman slaughters a black rooster for the health of her children. According to local beliefs, St. Evtim is the lord of children's diseases and he protects against “childhood” and ”external disease” (infantile polio and epilepsy).
In the Plovdiv region, the day is known as Cherna or Chern day. Here, in addition to sacrificing a black rooster (or hen), a number of prohibitions are observed. Women's work is not done, they do not bathe, they do not hold weddings, so as not to “turn black”, i.e., not to mourn the deceased.