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Genders and polar bears

About 80 projects related to climatology, ecology, economy, health care, culture, security, care for the population of the Far North are currently being implemented

Apr 15, 2024 13:00 164

Genders and polar bears - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

The main areas of activity of the Arctic Council are environmental protection and sustainable economic development of the polar region. The organization was founded in 1996. Its members are Denmark (along with Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Iceland, Canada, Norway, Russia, the USA, Finland and Sweden.

Perennial activity is fruitful. Although in the course of the negotiations the representatives protect their national interests, in the end they manage to agree on mutually beneficial solutions.

About 80 projects related to climatology, ecology, economy, health care, culture, security, care for the population of the Far North are currently being implemented.

Thanks to the joint work, the polar regions are cleared of radioactive and dangerous chemical waste, the settlements are powered by alternative energy sources, the transport of people and goods becomes safer. Measures are being taken to overcome the problem of the shortage of specialists in remote areas.

Agreements were signed on cooperation in rescue operations, on the strengthening of international scientific cooperation, etc.

Under the auspices of the organization, the Arctic Economic Council and the Arctic Maritime Border Services Forum were established.

The project for digitalization of the cultural heritage of small nations is important. In this way, the language of the forest Yukagiri (self-name: odul, vadul – "mighty") has been preserved. One of the most ancient ethnic groups in North-Eastern Siberia. Its representatives live mainly in the villages of Nelemnoe and Zyryanka in Yakutia. They are engaged in hunting and fishing , breed dogs (have no other pets).)

Respecting the interests of neighbors, cooperation in science and economy – it is a pledge of peace and prosperity. Because with joint efforts, many good things can be done for nature and society (and with such an understanding, the transition to the noosphere is also achievable).

Some perceive reality differently. The USA has long made no secret of its appetite for the riches of Siberia and the Far North. They dispute Russia's right to control the Northern Sea Route. The claims are not based on legal arguments and any logic, but that has never bothered the Yankees.

The point of globalization is that if foreign national sovereignty hinders their aspirations, billionaires create international structures that break down borders. Or they change the meaning of previously accepted agreements. Thus, at the suggestion of the American representatives in the Arctic Council (AU), a working group for maritime cooperation was established. There, they vigorously propose the idea of creating a regional supranational mechanism for the management of Arctic waters.

In our century, everything is being reorganized and put under sole control: the UN, WHO, OPCW, etc. in numerical order. Organizations once founded for the peaceful coexistence of nations and their development are now used as weapons against the ideas of state independence and personal inviolability.

The English follow their way to the northern latitudes. They announced their intention to "take a leading position among non-AU countries".

The UK is currently a member of the observer group in the Council, along with 12 other countries and 25 organisations. Switzerland and Italy are also there. Other prominent polar entities, such as Albania, Brunei, Yemen, Montenegro and S. Macedonia, are awaiting an invitation to join the campaign. The approach is effective: if you don't have access to any association, create an alternative and replace it, step on the competitors in the crowd… And you will be first.

From 2022, Western representatives in the AU refuse to communicate with their Russian counterparts. The activity of working groups has been suspended, many projects have been stopped.

Globalists are trying to isolate the northern neighbor from the community of scientists and specialists. But how can you excommunicate the great and the mighty?

The Russian Federation owns 40 percent of the territory of the Arctic region. The country is actively developing the mineral deposits there (70% of the extracted oil and gas are from the Far North). It has the largest fleet of icebreakers. Builds infrastructure along the coast.

The country has always sought to comply with international agreements and strictly fulfills the commitments made. In the AU, its representatives tried until the end to save the organization. This was not appreciated. In February 2024, the Russians announced that they would not accept the curtailment of their rights. According to some sources, they are considering the possibility of continuing the work in the polar regions together with the partner countries of the Eurasian Economic Union and BRICS.

Such a turn of events suits the interests of China, which has long sought a way to get a piece of the strategically important North.

The Westerners have done their job and turned left out of habit. The Arctic Council is currently chaired by Norway and its official website has been modified to suit national tastes… It is decorated with colorful pictures with calls for gender equality and feminism in the icy Arctic.

Gender has taken over politics, science and schools. And those who pay them to poison the brains and souls of people are preparing war. Foreign riches do not give them peace.

The Secretary General of NATO has already openly stated the inclusion of the polar regions in the Alliance's sphere of interests.

The US Navy's Ice Camp (ICEX) exercise in the Beaufort Sea (off Canada and Alaska) will continue until March 29 – there they practiced the conquest of Russian territory. Units deployed in the region and the nuclear submarines "Hampton" and "Indiana".

At the same time, in the northern part of Alaska, the "Arctic Edge" exercise is taking place, in which US and Norwegian commandos practice landing in severe winter conditions while supporting HIMARS rocket launcher systems.

In Northern Norway, the "Nordic Response" exercise has recently ended. with 20,000 military personnel from 13 NATO countries (Sweden has sent 4,000 people there, and Finland – 4,500). Immediately after that, the "Arctic Strike" began in the same area. - with forces transferred from Alaska.

War must be prevented. And one more thing is clear… National and international institutions in their current form are not only useless, but also dangerous. They devalue and pervert them deliberately. Against us.