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Where is the secret of our powerlessness?

Spontaneous political leadership cannot revive the nation

Aug 6, 2024 16:00 273

Where is the secret of our powerlessness?  - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

The drama of the Bulgarian political scene gave birth to various explanations for the pitiful lack of perspective of our public life. However, one of the reasons for our helplessness in power is kept silent. Because it is considered a sin to speak publicly. However, it is true and without its recognition, a way out of the political crisis cannot be found. Therefore, in our opinion, someone should say it out loud sometime.

This comments on "Labor" Prof. D. ist. n. Trendafil Mitev.

It all starts with the fact that politics in Bulgaria after 1944 was a monopoly of the ruling Communist Party. Thus, the opportunity for the Bulgarian nation to practice and enrich the democratic political traditions created by our renaissance society was nullified. Therefore, when the socialist system collapsed at the end of the 1980s, a previously organized, modern, civilized-thinking and acting democratic political party could not stand at the head of public life in our country, which would realize an evolutionary and constructive transition, as happened in Poland, Czechoslovakia, etc.

Political remnants of the old pre-war regimes surfaced in Bulgarian public life.

Men of limited intellectual capacity, they had given nothing to their people. Driven by vicious revanchism, these “democrats” they did not differentiate between the idiocies of the communist ideology and the great thing that was created in the state with the intellect and labor of the Bulgarian people. As a result, these people staged a third national catastrophe on their home turf - already in a peacetime environment. Paved, mechanized and irrigated agriculture was blown up. This was followed by a powerful blow to the colossal industry.

A third, no less harmful drama unfolded in parallel. A crushing blow was also inflicted on the intellect of the economically devastated Bulgarian society. Everything - absolutely everything, in the field of spiritual life, science and culture until 1989 was declared a “criminal product of the Soviet Union”, subject to destruction. Thus, the nation's spiritual foundations were also blown up. Everything - statesmen, spiritual achievements, reasons for pride and confidence - was denied, thrown away and trampled.

And the worst thing: there is nothing valuable left that can serve as a basis for consensus, unity and joint action of the Bulgarians as a national community. Both in relation to the past, and in the actual present, and in thinking about the future. Thus, in the course of the unprepared adventurous and chaotic transition, the Bulgarian people westernized both economically and spiritually. Pride, self-confidence and the ability to think productively have been lost. Continuity and the upgrade of reasonable initiative were denied. And the logical results were not long in coming. The weakened and ideologically confused Bulgarian nation could no longer produce quality rulers.

Blood flowed on the streets of Bulgaria from the first “Mutre War” in our national history, in the course of which more than 150 corpses fell.

All this was accompanied by further looting of the national wealth and a new destruction of human thinking. Under these conditions, for the first time in its history, our nation collapsed ethnically in peacetime. In the newly emerging sinister environment, one third of the young and educated part of the population sought salvation in fleeing the fatherland. And the remaining national contingent fell into that impasse, where in just a few years they denied and rejected forever from power, what was supposedly called the union of democratic forces!

Feeling their helplessness, the crushed Bulgarian society began to look for other ways out for themselves. For a certain period, it saw a ray of hope in “chieftainism”. The former monarch appeared on the public scene. To the shame of democracy, the majority of the remaining contingent of the nation did not follow the new “democratic parties”, but threw themselves at the feet of the former crowned person with hopes of salvation.

The exhausted and desperate people retreated for the second time from this new leader, realizing that he would not get them back on their feet either.

Then the image of a young and active general appeared on the scene. The crushed nation fell for him too.

A decade later, life proved that spontaneous political chieftainship also cannot revive the nation. A person, no matter how active and responsible he is, is not able to monitor every day, every corner of the state and react always in time, if the political system does not help him to manage effectively.

As a result, the drug trade, bank fraud and judicial bias flourished in Bulgaria. Increasing breakthroughs in power allowed people who until then had not achieved anything anywhere to gradually take up politics. And in order to guarantee their “piece of the pie”, these persons turned conflict into the basis of the national political dialogue. So the new “politicians” turned away from politics the economically crushed and spiritually crippled nation. This fact increased the impossibility of u alone and naturally radiating new, productive statesmen from its thinned ranks!

This is how it got to 2020, when the people couldn't stand it and literally erupted. The rulers were told they were worthless. At the same time and this time, the nation could not produce effective statesmen on its own to continue the change in a civilized manner. As a result, the unprecedented drama of a helpless nation unable to govern itself began. In 4 years - 6 appearances in elections!?

There is only one conclusion here: Our nation is a civilized collection of well-intentioned people. Politically, however, it is inexperienced, materially exhausted and ideologically disunited as a community. Because of this, she cannot stand on her feet quickly and efficiently on her own. Such a nation must be brought to its feet by another!

The only one who can do this best is her spiritual elite! It's high time - moreover, the time for that has long passed! If something survived in Bulgaria, in the transition after 1989, it is its intelligence. The learned humanitarians, the economists, the prominent lawyers, the authoritative journalists, the writers, the poets, the folk artists, the famous artists - all of them must come together and lay the foundations of a new “Bulgarian spiritual body”.

As a nationwide institution, it should develop a comprehensive “Program for the revival of Bulgaria”. It should determine the strategic directions for the development of the people and the state. After that, it should be submitted to the National Assembly to be voted on there, with the status of a “Social Contract”. And the ideas in it should be embedded in the governing programs of all parties,

who can decorate their propaganda with the best values of their ideologies.

Thus, regardless of who is in power - the program for the revival of Bulgaria should be implemented continuously. Simply put: once again the role played by the Central Committee (1869-1873), the “Committee of the Apostles” (1875) and “BTCRC (1885) - the creations of the Bulgarian intelligentsia, which put our nation on its feet so that it could live a free life in the 19th century.

If this does not happen, the Bulgarian nation, weakened and disgusted by politics, will not rise quickly and easily in all its creative stature. Because it is disjointed, distrusted and exhausted - both materially, ideologically and organizationally! And if our nation does not stand up again - and quickly on its feet, in the foreseeable future the Third Bulgarian State will follow the fate of the previous two! Because the helplessness of the authorities in Sofia is the result of the impossibility for the totally exhausted nation to produce effective statesmen who will revive nationally responsible thinking, the grounds for dignity, single-mindedness and joint action, for living together in this country, which all Bulgarians call their Motherland!