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The day after the election - the evil scenario

Well, that's the situation, ladies and gentlemen. And so from election to election, from impasse to new impasse, we will wander

Oct 29, 2024 10:02 252

FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

Now no one can convince me that this is not on purpose! Entering (or entering, one knows!) the SWORD parliament and “Majesty” is a typical engineering effort to make eventual stable control virtually impossible. How did it happen that these incredible political organisms entered the National Assembly?

This is what he wrote about "Flagman" Ivan Stambolov-Sula.

The hypotheses for two:

The first one is very scary – someone has the tools and the ability to manipulate the election. Well, not entirely, but enough to create subsequent chaos and another election.

The second one is even scarier – there are enough real voters who actually voted for these fabrications. What do they imagine, how do they imagine power, how specifically do they imagine governance.

I have been talking and writing for years that the quality of the electoral process will change beyond recognition in a positive direction if two things are present:

1.) compulsory subject “Civic education“ in schools to teach the youth what the separation of powers is, what the main institutions are and what each of them does, and

2.) educational qualification – the right to vote is consumed after proof of fulfilled obligation “education“ (in our country, which education is compulsory, secondary school, right?). This way we will know that each voter has a score of more than (2) in “Civic Education” and distinguishes between parliamentary, local, presidential and European elections.

Check out what happened in the last election (I know the info is out there, but I'll just put it here for your convenience).

According to CEC data, 1,732,751 people voted, which is 26.25% voter turnout. All the more serious parties have seen a decrease in the number of deputies compared to the previous parliament, and this is only due to the new stars entering. And the new stars MECH and “Greatness” cut off 22 MPs from the other parties. It is not difficult to come to the conclusion that this destabilizes and corrupts the Bulgarian parliament. It destabilizes it because it scatters the MPs across as many as nine parliamentary groups, which reduces the relative weight of each of them, and it corrupts it because it is too likely that the new heroes will break up and enter the market individually.

I don't know what's going on. I can't seem to explain what's going on anymore. It seems “I am from another world” just like Yavorov's lyrical hero.

How can a “Blue Bulgaria” not to enter, given that it is full of competent politicians, without a doubt professing democracy and confirming Bulgaria's civilizational choice, but to let some burlesque characters enter (I hope I don't offend the gentlemen, but as soon as they have decided to expose themselves publicly, they must to be ready to call them anything), where until yesterday no one had heard of them, or if they had, they were only associated with some Mahlen scandals.

For me, the explanation is one – neither is some ominous Orissa hovering over Bulgaria, nor are the voters clinically insane or hopelessly dumb, nor are we victims of some fatal accident. There is simply an impersonal force (but consisting of quite influential individuals) that does not want to form a stable and functioning government supported by a stable and functioning parliament. What is this power? It's hard for me to say because I don't have the necessary information, but whoever does, let him follow cui bono, who benefits.

First of all, this is someone who does not want something beneficial for him to change. If he was one who wanted changes in his favor, he would not have caused an unstable parliament, but on the contrary – he would play for a stable dominated by his lobbies. This someone is not omnipotent. If it was, it would have been his first or second batch. He would manage the entire process. But because he lacks the strength to manage it, he is content to sabotage it. If he cannot influence the major parties, he can at least increase the noise on the airwaves to weaken them and deprive them of the possibility of decisive action. And various ridiculous trifles are enough noise on the air. And it's not just SWORD and “Greatness”. To them we must add at least ITN, where we are still waiting for them to send a Macedonian cosmonaut into orbit. As a result, as we can all see, there is no party with enough support for government and governance, but there is also not enough support for the first two parties to form a coalition, however ugly and unprincipled a new assembly would be. “Revival“ does not count as a coalition, because as a true opposition, this party does not even have a theoretical foundation for such a structure. Anyone who sets out to assemble with them will stumble upon the subject of “Euro-Atlanticism”.

Well, that's the situation, ladies and gentlemen. And so from election to election, from impasse to new impasse, we will wander in empty arguments, while the scam for some will go undisturbed in the shadows.

Is there anything to do? There is. Even if we decide to continue playing democracy – something that's getting more and more ridiculous and pointless, – there is still a lot to do and it is not difficult. We have written about him before. For example, it is too easy to raise the threshold for entering parliament – do I know by how much, let the specialists calculate it, 7-8% maybe. Thus, fewer parties with more deputies each will enter the parliament. Because, ladies and gentlemen, don't be mad at me, but a parliament with 9 parties is ridiculous. They may also adopt some ex officio majority mechanism in favor of the former, as in Greece. They could also introduce the exotic figure of a proportional runoff, which would achieve the same result as in the first case. There are probably other viable options that I can't think of because that's not my job. If the ruling class really loves parliamentarism, it can easily do something like this. Let the first three in the 51st National Assembly unite, adopt the relevant changes in the legislation and in the next early and hopefully last elections of their kind, a normal parliament will be formed, and already in it whatever the sword shows.

I personally, as a simple citizen, will no longer participate in this circus. I don't need to walk to the polls to say in a loud voice that Carthage must be destroyed.