„Vanga was a gift to Bulgaria and this should be understood by each of us - why exactly in Bulgaria and to see the meaning, how a woman in this condition, of blindness, helped people. Vanga is an exalted spirit who was brought down to our earthly level so that she could converse with the likes of us. And let them understand it.
Bulgaria misses Vanga. Vanga continues to protect Bulgaria even from the afterlife.
Vanga decided to build a temple to the Rupas. Vanga wanted to stay in this place and help people. This is a temple of salvation. Vanga carried faith in herself. He was a messenger of faith. It was a gift of fate for Bulgaria. The temple is Vanga and Vanga is the temple."
Academician Svetlin Rusev (June 14, 1933 - May 26, 2018) ”I want to build a white church on Rupite, which will be a home for all believers, a place where people can they pray and purify themselves. I want to build a temple of God for human salvation with the money left to me by people of all religions and nationalities.”
Vanga Dimitrova, Vangelia (Vanga) Pandeva Guscherova
The construction of the church was received with enthusiasm and trust by the worshipers of the Prophetess - everyone donated funds according to their abilities.
On October 14, 1994 the church “Sveta Petka Bulgarska” was solemnly consecrated by Metropolitan Nathanael of Neurokop in the company of bishops and priests.
Baba Vanga, the founder of the temple, although already very sick and weak, attended the consecration. One of the most repeated comparisons then is: Vanga's white church shines like a white swallow.
The temple is Vanga and Vanga is the temple!
Over the past 20 years, the appreciative Bulgarian society has made dozens of public proposals to the Bulgarian Orthodox Church for the canonization of the prophetess Vanga, beloved by the people, and her declaration as a Saint.

Vanga Dimitrova, Vangelia (Vanga) Pandeva Guscherova
(October 3, 1911 - August 11, 1996)
Another proposal was made by Ivan Dramav - chairman of the “Vanga” Foundation. on October 14, 2024 - an important and memorable day, when exactly 30 years ago the church "Saint Petka Bulgarska" was opened and officially consecrated, built according to the idea of Vanga, who is also the main sponsor of the project. In 1984 Vanga bequeathed all his property to the Bulgarian state. In 1991 she decided to invest the funds collected over the years in the construction of a temple. - Will grandmother Vanga be declared a saint? Ivan Dramav publicly asked again and expressed his clear position:
- We hope that sooner or later Aunt Vanga will be recognized as a Saint of the time we live in.
The temple “Sveta Petka Bulgarska” is Vanga's big dream realized.
On October 14, 1994, after its ceremonial opening in the Rupite area, Vanga said:
- May this temple remind of the sufferings of the people who sought comfort before me!
The temple “Sveta Petka Bulgarska” is a symbol of faith. With legitimate pride Vanga says: The temple is Vanga and Vanga is the temple!
Maestro Svetlin Rusev ( - April 26, 2018), chosen by Vanga to paint the temple, excitedly remembers:
- This church is not the only legacy of Vanga, its true legacy is purely spiritual. Which actually maintains the faith of the people who touched it. She was a person who cared about physical and spiritual healing, and really those who understood, believed in her, these are people, I think, on another spiritual level. It was no accident that she said – the temple is Vanga and Vanga is the temple.
Wall paintings and icons of the maestro are an important part of the church "Sveta Petka Bulgarska" in Rupite. The church is being built on Vanga's initiative and with her funds. The legendary clairvoyant considers this temple the great work of her life. It is known that Vanga herself named academician Svetlin Rusev as the person who should make certain murals and icons.
There is hardly any other Bulgarian to whom such national appreciation has been expressed and for whom as many books have been written as for Vanga!
This is understandable - countless people have been helped by Vanga in difficult moments of their lives and she continues to help everyone who trusts her! We will point out a very convincing example for our claims: Academician Nataliya Petrovna Bekhtereva (07.07.1924 - 06.22.2008), world-class neurophysiologist, long-time director of the Brain Institute at the Russian Academy of Sciences, had one meeting with Vanga during her lifetime, and after the death of Vanga, comes 5 times to her grave of Rupita.
According to BAS data, the number of fulfilled predictions of the Bulgarian prophetess Vanga is 80%. One of her researchers, Professor Georgi Kirilov Lozanov, Ph.D., also gives similar results. (July 22, 1926 - May 6, 2012). He created the new science of Suggestology, was the founder and director of the Institute of Suggestology in Sofia, strict in his experiments and honorable in his attitude, researched 43 clairvoyants in Bulgaria, paying the most serious attention to research on Vanga Dimitrova. According to the research of Professor Georgi Lozanov during his work with Vanga in 1965-1970, he established a degree of familiarity with her of about 80%. It was estimated in 1995 that Vanga had over one million people. The Bulgarian prophetess and healer Vanga Dimitrova from Petrich is known not only in Bulgaria. Films have been shot about her, many scientific articles and books have been written
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The author is captain I rank o.r., professor, doctor of psychological sciences, engineer