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MP Gabriel Valkov to FACT: People expect us to show responsibility to the state

Voters sent us to the National Assembly not to quarrel or to lock ourselves in our own political dogmas, but to find a way to ensure stable governance that would solve their problems

Dec 13, 2024 10:10 197

MP Gabriel Valkov to FACT: People expect us to show responsibility to the state  - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

What are the expectations of your parliamentary group for forming a regular government? Is it “Mission Impossible” or the opposite?

The situation in the Bulgarian Parliament is complicated, but I would not say that forming a regular government is “mission impossible”. The truth is that people expect us to show responsibility and dialogicity. Voters sent us to the National Assembly not to quarrel or to lock ourselves in our own political dogmas, but to find a way to ensure stable governance that would solve their problems. Many of the crises that are on the agenda today - social inequality, high prices, problems in healthcare and education - cannot be solved by a caretaker government. This is where the parliament and a regular government with a clear vision and will for reforms come in. We in the BSP believe that it is possible to reach an agreement, as long as there is a will for real solutions, not political spectacles.

How do you see the role of your parliamentary group in a possible cabinet?

The role of the BSP will be key, because we have proven that we are consistent and stand by our principles. Our focus will be on social policy, because people today need security. We see what is happening - people are worried about how they will face the winter, how they will provide for their children and how they will cope with everyday expenses. That is why we will insist on measures that will alleviate these difficulties - such as an increase in the minimum wage, support for young families and measures to overcome the demographic crisis. We will also insist on a clear strategy for the development of the regions, because at the moment the gap between the capital and the rest of the country is huge. Without a policy of decentralization and investment in infrastructure, the economic gap will deepen. We in the BSP have specific proposals and are ready to bring them to the agenda of any government that puts the interests of the people first.

In which configuration would you participate and in which one would you categorically not? Why?

We would participate in a configuration that emphasizes social justice and sustainable economic development. It is important to emphasize that we are not seeking power at any cost. It is important for us who and with what goals will be our partner. We cannot afford an alliance with political formations that have proven that they do not keep their promises or pursue policies that contradict our core values. We will categorically not participate in a coalition that maintains the status quo of inequality and corruption. For example, a partnership with parties that dismantle the welfare state is out of the question. Our position is clear - we are looking for unity, dialogue and normal political conversation, which the BSP achieved in the negotiations for the election of the Speaker of the National Assembly in the person of Assoc. Prof. Natalia Kiselov. Only in this way can we achieve long-term and fair solutions that are in the interest of the people, and not in the interest of any party.

Do you think that GERB will succeed in forming a cabinet?

I think that the question is not whether GERB will succeed in forming a cabinet, but what kind of cabinet this cabinet will be and whether it will meet the expectations of society. GERB had enough time in power to show its approach. We saw that their governance model left serious problems in a number of sectors - healthcare, education, energy. If they offer us a cabinet that follows the same policies again, it will be extremely difficult to win the support not only of the parliament, but also of the citizens. For our part, the BSP will evaluate each proposal based on specific policies and priorities. If a government is proposed that provides solutions to the country's social and economic problems, we would consider it seriously. We are talking about an expert government with broad parliamentary support that will lead Bulgaria out of the crisis. But if a simple new edition of the old model is proposed, there is no way we can support such a government. We will not hold talks with the MRF - New Beginning, we have signed the so-called “sanitary cordon” and there is no way we can enter into any configurations with them.

On Saturday you have a city conference, and on Sunday a National Council. What is the agenda and what do you expect?

The city conference is important because it will allow us to discuss current problems at the local level and outline steps for more active work with the people. We will elect a new chairman of the BSP - Sofia and a new city council for the next 4 years. This will be key to strengthening the positions of the BSP in the capital. I believe that it is time to pay even more attention to young people, who often remain outside the political process, but have enormous potential to contribute to the change of our country. We proved it through the results of the parliamentary elections in Sofia. The lists with the youngest leaders in my person and that of my colleague Atanas Atanasov have the highest growth in the party's results throughout the country.

At the National Council on Sunday, we will focus on the party's strategic priorities. We will also consider a number of issues related to the current political situation and the role of the BSP in parliament. We will also plan, as soon as possible, the holding of the next BSP Congress and the election of a new party chairman and National Council for the next 4 years.

I expect the discussions in both formats to be constructive and to propose solutions that will strengthen trust in the party. Bulgaria needs a strong, modern and dialogical left. I am convinced that the BSP has the capacity to be the social pillar in the state and precisely this force that works for the people.