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Rado Vashkata and Biser Sopola broke a record for car thefts in the capital

The two, for example, are on-duty witnesses in a bunch of other cases, which clearly buys them temporary comfort in the face of inevitable retribution

Jan 9, 2025 16:24 133

FAKTI.BG publicizes journalistic investigations from various media outlets because it supports freedom of speech.

The brazen criminals and thieves well-known to the Ministry of Interior for years, Radoslav Vassilev-Vashkata and Biser Barakov-Sopola, do not stop committing atrocities in Sofia. In the last month alone, the two bandits literally broke all records for thefts from cars parked by their owners in front of various commercial establishments in the capital.

This is shown by an investigation by Mediamall.

The shameless bandits are some of the most prolific property thieves from private cars in Sofia, "buzzing" mainly on luxury vehicles left in the parking lots in front of various large grocery chains or malls.

Vashkata and Sopola work according to a classic scheme, first waiting for the owner of a car to park, and a spy follows him into the store to watch him and be able to alert his partners outside in case the person decides to return to his car. They do not steal the car, but only break it and take everything valuable from it, most often women's or men's handbags, phones or computers. Although dozens of cases have been filed against these pitiful thieves for theft and robbery, they continue to be at large and rob Sofia residents.

At the same time, it is far from clear how individuals with funny nicknames like Vashkata and Sopola manage to manipulate the investigation bodies and the police and for so many years pass within a meter of retribution. However, the facts are eloquent enough and speak for themselves. Suffice it to say that instead of being behind bars, they continue to move among us. We can logically assume that they either pay money to certain persons from the investigative bodies, or perform some other services for them. Proof of this is the fact that many of the cases against Vassilev and Barakov have either been discontinued, or have supposedly been worked on for a bunch of years. Our reliable source from the Ministry of Interior claims that Radoslav Vassilev and Biser Barakov have managed to escape justice for so many years, not for anything else, but because they perform certain services for persons from the Ministry of Interior. The two of them, for example, are on-duty witnesses in a bunch of other cases, with which they are clearly buying themselves temporary comfort in the face of inevitable retribution. Despite having robbed and made hundreds of Sofia residents cry, their services are clearly valued by representatives of the law, which almost turns Sopola and Vashkata into untouchables for the law. Our media has video footage of these same handsome men roaming around and lurking for a bargain in front of a large metropolitan store. The video in question will soon be published by us, but this does not change the fact that it is absurd for such scoundrels to be left at large, and not to receive what they deserve.

Here we want to emphasize that as a media outlet we are interested in why the law enforcement agencies are turning a blind eye to the people in question. And if they have a problem with their eyes, we do not have one and very soon we will extract a bunch of evidence about the atrocities of the two criminals in question. Because the problem is indeed very serious, but it turns out that the law enforcement agencies have no interest in solving it. Although they know perfectly well what kind of bandits Sopola and Vashkata are, their inaction also becomes a crime.

In fact, the problem in question becomes twice as big when we add another fact to it. Radoslav Vassilev - Vashkata has in the past been registered for pedophilia and fornication with a minor. Moreover, two years ago, an entire Sofia neighborhood rose up in rebellion against the person in question. His photos were posted on entrances and trees, on cars and shops, warning parents in the area about the presence of a pedophile nearby. Despite this, nothing has happened to date.

In the future, we will continue with this investigation and present our readers with sufficient visual evidence of the crimes of these unscrupulous guys. If, however, the Ministry of Interior continues to turn a blind eye, this would only mean that law enforcement agencies, called upon by law to take care of public security, simply do not abide by the law.