For the safety of traffic on the renewed street with a speed limit of 30 km/h, the municipality of Amsterdam is implementing an experimental marking, the model of which duplicates the road signs for the corresponding warning.
In order to increase the attention of drivers and their compliance with the requirements of the speed regime, a marking was developed by order of the municipality, which visually reduces the lane for traffic. And this forces drivers to reduce their speed to the specified requirement.

Drivers not only slow down on the street, but also drive more carefully, as the visually narrowed lane encourages them to drive more carefully. In fact, the width of the roadway on the newly asphalted Diepenbrockstraat remained the same, but the applied wide graphic scheme markings seem to narrow it in both directions.
According to the required algorithm, the designer chooses the width, length and order of the marking lines. So the driver of the car will clearly see the number 30 from his seat. It can be seen as an ornament in the lines. At the same time, from other angles, the numbers are not visible - just some pattern is visible.
The model with a reminder of the maximum allowed speed seems to enter into a virtual conversation with the driver and he no longer rushes, moving at the suggested speed. It is worth noting that the content of the marking is "read" only from the roadway and only at a distance that the driver pays attention to.

The Hofmann company developed the marking machine software according to this scheme. There, based on sketches by graphic designer Karel Martens, they developed an algorithm for applying white thermoplastic paint to the asphalt surface.
With the task of creating a model so that the road with a speed of 30 km/h visually appears narrower and the driver slows down, the artist coped perfectly. If at first the road users treated the novelty with a slight smile, later it became clear that almost everyone drives exactly 30 km/h on this street and not a kilometer more.