At least 12 people died in floods in the Argentine port city of Bahia Blanca, 600 kilometers south of the capital Buenos Aires, which began yesterday morning, Agence France-Presse reported, quoted by BTA.
"We already have 12 dead, seven of whom have been identified", the Minister of Security of the province of Buenos Aires, Javier Alonso, told the television channel TEEN today.
National Security Minister Patricia Bullrich said in an interview with local radio "Mitre" that Bahia Blanca has been destroyed, and the search for two little girls, "carried away by the waters", continues. According to Argentine media, the two sisters are one and four years old.
Among the 12 dead, at least five died on the streets, the city hall said in a statement, and did not rule out more victims in the flooded city of 350,000 inhabitants.
1,321 people were evacuated, the city hall also said.
According to local authorities, more than 400 mm of rain fell in just eight hours, which is equivalent to the annual amount of rainfall for this area.
"This is unprecedented. During the biggest storm that has ever hit Bahía Blanco, 175 mm (of rain) fell. "Now it's three times more," Alonso said.
The government has already allocated 10 billion Argentine pesos (8.6 million euros) to help the affected population.
Heavy rains in southwestern Colombia have caused landslides that have killed at least one person and left three others missing. This was reported by the Associated Press, quoted by BTA, citing local authorities.
The victim was swept away by the landslide in his car, Pasto Mayor Nicolas Toro told the website "Contraste Noticias".
Before the body was found on Saturday, the National Risk Management Service had reported that four people were missing and another 38 had been rescued. The landslide affected more than 200 people and 65 houses.
Heavy machinery is clearing the affected roads, and work is also underway to restore the water supply, which was interrupted in the popular tourist area near Lake La Cocha.