The geomagnetic situation has deteriorated due to a coronal hole on the Sun, and a magnetic storm is observed on Earth, the Institute of Applied Geophysics (Federal State Budgetary Institution "IPG") told TASS.
As reported on the website of the Laboratory of Solar Astronomy of the Institute for Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Solar Terrestrial Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the cause of the deterioration of the geomagnetic situation is a coronal hole on the Sun.
"Currently, there are three holes on the star that are in the process of being destroyed, but still retain their ability to affect the Earth. Currently, the Earth is affected by the smallest of the three holes, so the impact is expected to be short-lived. "This morning, Moscow time, the level of fluctuations in the geomagnetic field exceeded the threshold of a magnetic storm twice: from 6 to 9 a.m. and after 12 p.m.," the report said.
The level of disturbance in the Earth's magnetic field, according to the IPG, has currently reached the G2 level, which means "moderate" on a five-point monitoring scale, where G5 is "extremely strong" and G1 is "weak".
Level G2 means that problems may arise in the Earth's energy systems. There may also be interruptions in radio navigation and interference in high-frequency radio communications. Polar lights are recorded up to latitudes of 50 degrees.
The situation is expected to stabilize on Monday.