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Kevork Kevorkian: Completely exhausted

Their horizon is from one early election to the next, nothing more

Aug 12, 2024 13:00 353

Kevork Kevorkian: Completely exhausted  - 1
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In fact, they are completely screwed – but let's be more gracious at least in the title. They are useless and they don't hide it anymore. Their horizon is from one early election to the next, nothing more. But this does not bother them, they do not feel any inconvenience.

Denitsa Sacheva said in an interview: “There is no reason for the Parliament to go away with this shame of removing the president, because some of the deputies do not like the constitution, which they wrote and adopted themselves”.

This commented on "Facebook" Kevork Kevorkian.

It is stupid, indeed, with all the evidence of the incurable indolence of politicians, that they should overthrow the Speaker - but this is far from the biggest shame of the Parliament. It has long since become a “disgrace“, where some women measure their muscles and do not even notice that there is death around them – from ideas, from speaking, from everything. Radev had the opportunity to do something that even History would have shuddered at: to kick out another bag-bearer, slam the door behind them and say that the parties and the Parliament they produce are dead.

Some such madness must happen – for something to move in the Mortuary to make us believe that we can come out of the coma. They gradually put the state in an artificial coma, with various tricks they fed it, boned it and brainwashed it – not caring whether in time someone would know how to bring her out of the coma, whether they would know the antidote to the poisons they infused into her. If the Parliament should not leave “with the shame of deposing its president”, who is responsible for the shame of a country leaving?

You won't find a single ruler who will admit to feeling even an iota of this shame. There is no such fool. They may do countless stupid things, but this is exactly what they would never do, they know how to keep their oily skins.

And while this is happening, they are already launching the idea of immortalizing Kostov – and because of the privatization he carried out. There is little left of the Bulgarian Time, but it looks like it will be used to liquidate the last resistance forces of the People and to submissively accept all the fabrications that are served to them - and all the monuments of false heroes that they have yet to build.

The privatization of the candidate for the Kostov monument eroded the morale of ordinary people like nothing else. The Bulgarian was disgusted to the extreme by the “framing” during the time of the soc, when completely unfit people were placed in leadership positions. After “The Change” and he had to put up with, outside of the grotesque quadrille of casuals on the floors of the Power, even with the new, appointed chorbadjis – Kebap makers became bankers overnight, no other country would have endured the transformations of this scourge for so long.

The randoms come and go – and this will continue, even if the state ceases to exist and turns into a cathouse in which some abnormals roam. After all, Parliament already represents exactly that. The masterpieces of Kostova privatization must be constantly recalled, because they are already almost forgotten – airline “Balkan“, “sold“ for the price of an apartment, the gold deposits, ceded with a criminal concession, “Kremikovtsi” – harizan for $1, etc.

After all this debauchery, one wonders if today's country is worth a dollar?

The mindful Bulgarians are leaving and soon no one will remember that Kostov's criminal privatization mocked the dignity of the People, humiliated their hard work and other virtues. It's like they tried to privatize/appropriate it too and change it according to their own ideas. The Hunweibins of false “anti-communism“ they will not smell until they degenerate it to their own ideas.

And on the "left" is no less ruthless. There are no “lefts”, there are no “rights”, over time the local version of the “caviar left“ and the thieving right have become similar and are now almost indistinguishable.

These days, in addition to the senseless argument surrounding the former Minister of Culture Georgi Yordanov, the “right“ again they stuck to their dumbest card – to that of fake “anti-communism”. And they continue to bend before Kostov – the epitome of the most hideous device. Kostov, who wanted to become a member of the Communist Party shortly before the fall of the regime – and he as Tsetska Tsacheva. The two Tsetskis on the false right. I keep imagining how Kostov goes to the editorial office of the BKP organ “ Labor case” to ask them to print the article in which he gives the recipe for how to save society.

You will say that these are known things - but how long will they be known? Kostov cut the “right“ in his own interest, established a sole authority, to which the “communyagi“ they could envy and he thought it would last forever – but Naroda still hadn't lost his insight and managed to trash it. This Nation, however, has already been properly changed, and its memorable generations will soon be gone, and then only the smacking of the ignorant and zombified new generations will be heard, who will be proud of their memorylessness.

Kostov was an incorrigible troublemaker. Once he blurted out that there was no culture until 1989. It was an unheard of challenge, unparalleled hooliganism - but even that is not remembered anymore, maybe they should make a second monument to him because of this disgusting statement.

I will now bring to your attention a list of glorious names, and then I will explain why I am doing it:

Herbert von Karajan, Andrzej Wajda, Georgy Amadou, Garry Kasparov, Raphael Alberti, James Aldridge, William Saroyan, Gianni Rodari, Jean-Louis Barot, Nikolai Amosov, Sylvie Vartan, Adam Michnik, Jean Guiton, Vittorio Taviani, Juliet Greco , Gian-Carlo Menotti, Marcel Marceau, Ifra Niemann, Russell Schweikart, Jerzy Kukuchka, Charles Aznavour, Jerzy Kavalerowicz, Hervé Bazin, Kevin Keegan, Marta Messaroche, Yves Montand…

These real world celebrities have participated in the program “Every Sunday” until 1989 – among other things, to confirm that at that time Bulgaria was perceived as a territory of culture and spirituality, as a source of world-class achievements. Does the world look at our country in the same way in recent years, which is subject to fictional stars and asterisks? Well, Malkovich, with his production of “The Man and the Guns” in the National Theater, will sanitize us with Bernard Shaw's profanity at us – it's something again.

We are ruled by people who clearly do not have the ingredient of compassion in their genes – including the achievements of the Past, they are susceptible to all kinds of suggestions, they easily absorb and swallow everything that the new chorabadjis present to them. Today's leaders are crying for a People's Court – after all, authoritarian ineptitude is also a crime.

Some non-governmental organization must finally come to its senses and, along with the poor gypsies, protect the People as a whole. Here's a case of brazenly robbing him – these are the unused funds that Europe provides us under the Recovery Plan. These are billions, and the morons who squander them are committing an obvious crime. But there is no one to hold them to account.

We are done - at least let's admit it. We move irrevocably away from ourselves, and we no longer have the desire to look at what we represent, because we will not know ourselves. Some time ago we were told that it would take us 62 years to reach the average European gross domestic product per capita. We are no longer concerned with such calculations.

Astronaut Russell Schweikart from the “Apollo” came to a country that had its own astronaut. Now our Cosmos also leans against the market in Iliantsi. Karajan respected us because we were the country of great opera singers – and today we light fireworks most often because of concerts of Balkan folk musicians.

That sarcophagus that appeared on the Varna coast seems to tell us something. It may have been discarded by incompetent treasure hunters or frustrated antique dealers. But, one way or another, he gives us the opportunity to fantasize: whether his appearance is not a hint of what awaits us.

And when that happens, we'll have to fit - both straight and crooked, both empowered and ossified - into the sarcophagus. Well, at least it's ancient - so we'll still scratch our scabs to brag about the creations of foreign genius, which we diligently dig up on our lands and still try to believe that they are our achievement.

Finally, it is inevitable to ask: what happens when the political class in a country is completely exhausted?