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Who will pull the trigger?

Is politics turning into a paranormal phenomenon?

Jul 21, 2024 16:02 200

FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

Biden is still not the undisputed champion in spewing nonsense, often outright nonsense. But his finger is closest to the trigger – and, as it is subject to fixations, as nothing can press it.

This commented on "Facebook" Kevork Kevorkian.

The fatal shot may come from him. But no one talks about it. It's understandable – the shooter, at least in this state, is a great shame to great America. She has as her Master a man who rules from some closet of Fears.

Biden is on track to surpass Bush Jr. Of him, David Letterman once said: “President Bush said he didn't need the approval of the United Nations to wage wars, and I thought, Well, well, he didn't need the approval of the American voters to become president”.

These words do not need explanation, but still remind what the great American writer Gore Vidal shared in “Every Sunday”. I asked him if he was criticizing his country too harshly. “My criticism is rather directed against the junta, as I call it, the group, the clan that usurped my country in November 2000 – Vidal replied. - A cousin of mine, Al Gore, was elected president by a majority of 600,000 votes. However, big American money, corporate America - this is not the American people, decided that Bush should become president. So, through a coup, Bush ascended to the presidency, and the loser fell into oblivion…“ /end quote/.

Unlike Biden, who belatedly realized what he was saying, Bush at least understood the ridiculousness he was producing and sometimes even acknowledged it. Once he even asked for forgiveness from the Americans: “I really make a lot of mistakes. But I love America, and our army is the strongest in the world!” Later it became clear that the American army was not the strongest at all, but at least at that moment it was considered true. So many victorious wars, and every day 22 people, military veterans, killed themselves, one more or less every hour of the year – at least that was the statistics as of 2010.

Bush should have been hanged 10 times with Saddam Hussein's gallows for the fictional war in Iraq. He was briefly out of an hour-long meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in which they were fiercely debating whether to invade Iraq, and when he came back from the toilet he half-heard a phrase that seemed to him to be the generals rallying around the idea of going to war, and ordered: “Okay, let's start!“ And the war began. And the generals were talking about something completely different, but he didn't understand them.

There are curious details in Bush's book ``Doing a Duty'' that present him as someone who can also evoke sympathy. In the early 1980s, in Midland, he joined a men's Bible study society. And then he says: “With humility I understood that God sent His Son to die for a sinner like me”. This can also pass as a sense of humor, a bit unusual really.

Another time, however, he presents himself as a real gamen: at a memorial service for slain police officers in Dallas, he nonchalantly dances – and with his indecent behavior he seems to want to impress upon us what kind of fool is ruling great America.

Obama ordered that he be photographed while, together with Hillary Clinton, he watched live the execution of Osama Bin Laden. What obscenity is this? These people do not seem to rule the world, but are just simple spectators of actions.

From the memoirs of former CIA chief Panetta, we learned that Obama often repeated that “while Bush pursued non-existent weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we lost sight of those who had actually attacked the “United States”.


Bush was also in Sofia – and here he did not fail to demonstrate his notorious tactlessness: during his joint press conference with President Parvanov, he mentioned twice that he was looking forward to lunch. He called Parvanov "Giorji" and Stanishev - "Mr. the Cleaner". No one understood what was the reason for this. Good thing you didn't call him “Mr. Muscle” – it's a drain unclog. In addition, he promised to find a job for the student Stanko from Blagoevgrad – in the end, however, no one bothered to check whether he had kept his promise.

There were times when both Bush and Putin came to Sofia. Today we have shrunk into the role of the little one who is somehow tolerated by the “Big Ones”, we have come to terms with this role. No one takes us seriously since we are unable to even unclog our own channel. But we still manage to maintain our helpfulness because we know that it is all we have left. Here and now – as one television reported, our politicians “reacted in a flash” after the assassination attempt against Trump – with statements, of course. From the Secret Service, which acted much more sluggishly, they could have engaged them in some role in the White House, in service they are simply unparalleled.

Noam Chomsky, who is called “The Conscience of America”, left a valuable testimony in “Every Sunday” - on Bush's fanaticism: “In the modern world, the US is the most religiously fundamentalist country. About 40% of its population believe that they have experienced reincarnation, 40% of people believe that Christ has appeared to them. The president is, or at least pretends to be, a religious fanatic who hardly has a direct phone line with God and takes orders from him. There are already claims in the Washington press that the White House office is worried that Bush could get out of hand. That he goes around the offices and talks about God's will, about the mission he has assigned to him. Imagine that person could push the button...“ /end quote/.

I recall these words of Chomsky, because they make it clear that communication with ghosts is not the privilege of Biden alone – he once tried to shake hands with the empty space in front of him, and these days he introduced Putin at the NATO summit..

And more words from Gore Vidal: “On Bush's initiative, the “Patriotism Act“ was also passed, which in practice revokes many civil liberties and without debate. In 1933, during the Reichstag fire, Hitler issued a document that resembled the “Patriotism Law”. We don't know who is responsible for 9/11, we say it is Osama bin Laden. However, the administration took advantage of this occasion to launch a propaganda campaign that far surpassed anything Hitler had done. In just one month, 80 percent of Americans were convinced that Iraq was to blame for 9/11 and the attacks on Washington and New York… As far as I understand, in Eastern Europe you have gone towards Bush, towards his position. Yes, Saddam Hussein is a bad man, the world is full of bad people. However, as President Adams once warned us, it is not our job as Americans to fight bad guys anywhere in the world. Now there is talk of the so-called preemptive action. What will we say if one day Bush decides that Bulgaria is giving asylum to terrorists? He reserves the right to bombard you. And it doesn't need a declaration of war from Congress or authorization from the United Nations. This is a recipe not only for tyranny, but in this dangerous world we live in, it heralds world war. I am a veteran of the Second World War and I did not imagine that I would live to see the time when the Americans became the aggressor… The weaker parties are constantly pursued – eternal war in the name of eternal peace. I have described all our unilateral aggressions against countries of the Second and Third World - about 300 such cases” /end quote/.

Al Gore, from whom Bush allegedly stole 600,000 votes in Florida with the help of his brother Jeb Bush, governor of the state, once said: “In America, political will is a renewable resource”. It sounds impressive, but it is not true at all, especially today. Especially in the case of Biden. It's as if, in general, the resistance forces of the Americans have stagnated – otherwise sleep should not overtake them while their president communicates with ghosts. The Butler bomber missed – but biden won't miss if he pulls the trigger on the nuclear briefcase. We'd have to be at least as crazy as he is to think it's a fantasy. And let's pray until the beginning of November, when the presidential elections are held, that this does not happen.

Biden's recent public meeting with the ghost of Putin only deepened the fears. It did not attract the necessary attention, although it was another startling proof of the obsession of the American president. She is a key to his damaged consciousness. But the analyzes were few in number, the commentators seemed to shy away from seeing the unadulterated truth.

Regardless of Biden's ill health, some continue to argue that he was more predictable than Trump – Trump, who showed inhuman self-control, even asked for his shoes while they were shooting at him.

To present Zelensky as Putin is also something extraordinary. This tells us that Biden is obsessed – beyond everything else – and from some obsessive fears. They are known to often explode into unbridled rage.

Is politics turning into a paranormal phenomenon?