Ukraine has again announced large supplies of electricity from four countries, the country's Ministry of Energy announced on the Telegram channel span>. "For the day, imports from Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary with a total volume of 25,682 MW·h are planned. There are no exports and none are expected”, the message says.
A day ago, the head of the State Inspectorate for Energy Supervision of Ukraine, Ruslan Slobodian, announced that the country's production capacity cannot cover the shortage of electricity. According to him, it will be necessary to revise the list of objects of the critical infrastructure, which are not subject to interruption of the power supply, and to tighten the criteria for their classification.
According to the Ukrainian authorities, the country has recently lost 50% (more than 9 GW) of its production capacity, about 80% of heat and a third of water production have been destroyed. In this regard, there are power outage schedules in the country that can last from 8 to 12 hours a day or even longer.