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Today's weather, forecast for Thursday 28 November: Sunny and unusually warm for the season

Highs will be between 8° and 13°

Nov 27, 2024 19:31 144

Visibility will be reduced by fog in many places in the morning and low cloudiness, reported BNT.

Minimum temperatures will be between minus 3° and 2°, in Sofia - about minus 3°, on the sea coast - from 2° to 6°, and highs will be unusually high for the season, between 8° and 13°, Sofia - 8°, slightly lower in the western part of the Danube plain - from 5° to 8°, more persistent fogs are expected there.

In the rest of the country, sunny weather will prevail, with a weak easterly, and in the eastern regions - a temporarily moderate southeasterly wind. The conditions for tourism in the mountains will be good tomorrow as well - with a moderate westerly wind and variable cloudiness, more significant in the higher parts.

On Friday and during the weekends, a significant drop in maximum temperatures is expected in our country as well. Widespread precipitation is also expected, more intense in the southwestern half of the country. Already on Friday around noon, it will rain, first rain, which will change to snow by the evening on the high fields of Western Bulgaria and in the Pre-Balkans.

It will be windy and with precipitation, from rain and snow, during the weekends as well.