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Under convoy: The ballots for the recount from the October 27 vote were brought to Sofia

The actual work on their verification will begin next week.

Dec 6, 2024 04:52 171

Under convoy: The ballots for the recount from the October 27 vote were brought to Sofia  - 1

Almost all the recount ballots from all over the country have already arrived in Sofia under increased security and serious security measures, BNT reported.

The actual work of verifying them will begin next week.

The Constitutional Court has given a deadline of January 10 to recount the ballots of nearly 17 percent of all sections in the country. However, the Public Council of the CEC found almost 700 who are not on the list of the Constitutional Court.

With security from the Ministry of the Interior, ballots from various areas arrived at the Constitutional Court from early in the morning. The sacks of papers from 154 sections in Blagoevgrad also went under convoy to Sofia. It is this area that is among the leaders in terms of the most discrepancies between what is recorded in the minutes and what is noted in the ballots. However, before they left for the capital, the regional administration noticed that there were problems with some of the documents.

"There were findings that were made by the commission - broken integrity of tapes, unsigned signatures of the entire commission, missing seal, but these are details that are yet to be investigated in the process of the case. The materials from their removal from the premises in the municipal administrations until their arrival in the regional administration of Blagoevgrad are under the escort of the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as the transportation to the KC, will be accompanied again by the employees of the Ministry of the Interior", commented Veska Kostadinova, ch. . secretary of regional administration - Blagoevgrad.

At the Constitutional Court, the bags are distributed in several rooms and sealed. It is here that the 18 experts, charged with the task of establishing what and how many discrepancies there are, will count the ballots. Most of them are election experts, former chairmen and members of the CEC, and are divided into a total of 9 teams. They also have another task - to compare the bulletins printed by the machines with the flash drives. 1777 are the court-specified sections for this review. In another 442, only invalid ballots will be checked. However, the Public Council of the CEC has prepared an analysis that establishes that 700 sections with violations are absent from the list and insists on their inclusion in the expertise.

"These 1,777 sections in number, in our opinion, do not meet the criterion that the Constitutional Court itself has set in its definition, namely that they be sections with discrepancies of 2 or more votes between the results reported in the minutes and the counted results from the machines into their flash drives. We found that there were over 680 sections dropped. We have hope from the Public Council, however, after the ruling of the CC, the laws allow a 15-day period in which the complainants can submit their comments to the determinations", said Tsvetelina Peneva, Public Council at the CEC.

The CCTV footage will not be used during the re-counting in the CS.

"If the video surveillance files by themselves have no evidentiary value, they can be the basis for an examination and verification of what is written in the protocols and what is in the bags. Quite a number of sections that we show in an application where there is more than 10 votes difference, which are reported by the section committee, but they are not on the machine. Namely, there are our biggest suspicions and concerns about distortion of the result due to poor work of the members of the SIC", added Tsvetelina Peneva.

According to the lawyers, it is unlikely that the elections will be completely canceled, but only partially in certain sections. If this happens, the results of the parties will be recalculated. Here, too, the options are a change in the number of mandates, as well as the entry of a new formation into the 51st Parliament.