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Weather today, forecast for Saturday, December 14: Cloudiness is increasing, precipitation is starting from the west

Maximum temperatures will be between 3° and 9°, in Sofia around 4°

Dec 14, 2024 03:00 120

Weather today, forecast for Saturday, December 14: Cloudiness is increasing, precipitation is starting from the west  - 1

Today, cloudiness will increase from the west, and after noon in the western regions it will rain, BNT reported. It will be mostly sunny in the eastern part of the country. A weak, moderate southerly wind will blow in Eastern Bulgaria.

Maximum temperatures will be between 3° and 9°, in Sofia around 4°.

Cloudy with snowfall, below 1600 meters of rain, will be the weather in the massifs in Western Bulgaria, which will cover the rest of the mountainous regions on Sunday night, and with the decrease in temperatures, the rain-snow boundary will decrease. It will also be windy, with moderate, temporarily strong winds blowing from the west-southwest.

On Sunday night, many places will experience rain, which will turn into snow as temperatures drop in the highlands of Western Bulgaria and the Fore-Balkans.

There will also be conditions for ice. On Sunday, cloudy weather will prevail, with precipitation in more places in Southern Bulgaria.

During the first days of the new week, there will be variable cloudiness, decreasing to mostly sunny over many areas on Tuesday and Wednesday. Temperatures will rise and the maximums will be between 8° and 13°.