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Weather today, forecast for Sunday, December 15: Precipitation stops

Maximum temperatures will be between 4° and 9°

Dec 15, 2024 03:00 93

Weather today, forecast for Sunday, December 15: Precipitation stops  - 1

Precipitation will stop today, at the latest in the southern regions, BNT reported. The wind will be oriented from the west-northwest and will be moderate, in Northern Bulgaria and the Upper Thracian Lowland temporarily strong. Maximum temperatures will be between 4° and 9°.

Over the mountains, there will be significant cloud cover and in many places there will be snowfall. A moderate, temporarily strong northwest wind will blow. Maximum temperatures on the peaks will be minus 6, minus 7.

In the Balkans tomorrow it will be cloudy and with rainfall, in the north in the mountains of snow. Snow will also fall in the Alps, in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It will be mostly sunny on the Iberian Peninsula and in the western Mediterranean, while over Italy there will be significant cloudiness and in the southern regions of the Apennines there will be intense rainfall and thunderstorms.

At the beginning of the new week it will remain windy in our country with moderate and strong winds from the west-northwest. Sunny weather will prevail and temperatures will rise. On Wednesday the wind will weaken and temporarily subside, and on Thursday it will be weak from the south-southeast. There will also be sunny hours, but before noon in places in the lowlands and valleys visibility will be reduced.