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Weather today, forecast for Wednesday, December 25: Cloudy, cold, widespread precipitation

Maximum temperatures will be mostly between 2° and 7°, along the Black Sea coast up to 10°-12°

Dec 25, 2024 05:01 167

Weather today, forecast for Wednesday, December 25: Cloudy, cold, widespread precipitation  - 1

Today the weather situation will become more complicated, BNT reported.

With moderate, in Eastern Bulgaria and strong wind from the north-northeast, cold air will invade. It will be cloudy, with almost widespread, in places significant precipitation.

In the Fore-Balkans and on the high fields, snow, in the rest of the country - rain, as with the cold in Central Northern Bulgaria, and in the evening and in Ludogorie, the rain will turn into snow. Maximum temperatures will be mostly between 2° and 7°, along the Black Sea coast up to 10°-12°.

It will be cloudy and foggy in the mountains, with snowfall. There will be blizzards on the passes, and gusts will form. A strong, temporarily stormy wind will blow from the east-northeast on the ridges.

On Thursday it will remain windy. Precipitations will continue, significant again in Central Northern Bulgaria, in the Western Fore-Balkans and in the Rhodope region, where it will snow, there will be conditions for blizzards and gusts. In the high valley fields in Western Bulgaria it will also snow, in the rest of the country - rain. On Friday there will be more precipitation, now mainly from snow, but with a tendency to weaken. On Saturday and Sunday there will be no significant precipitation, but it will be cold, with daytime temperatures in places remaining below zero.