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Weather today, forecast for Friday, December 27: Snowfall again, blizzards in the mountains

Maximum temperatures will be between 0° and 5°

Dec 26, 2024 21:19 189

Weather today, forecast for Friday, December 27: Snowfall again, blizzards in the mountains  - 1

Precipitation will decrease overnight, temporarily stopping in Western Bulgaria, BNR reported.

A light to moderate wind will blow. Minimum temperatures will be between minus 4° and 1°, in Sofia - around minus 4°.

It will be mostly cloudy during the day and there will be snowfall again in the afternoon, more significant in the mountainous regions, the Fore-Balkans and Ludogorie. A moderate to strong wind will blow from the north-northeast and cold air will invade with it. Maximum temperatures will be between 0° and 5°, in Sofia - around 2°.

In the mountains it will be cloudy, foggy, windy and with snowfall. A strong, temporarily stormy wind will blow from the north-northeast on the ridges. A new snow cover will form and there will be conditions for blizzards, and on the passes - drifts. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be around minus 2°, at 2000 meters - around minus 7°.

It will be cloudy and windy along the Black Sea coast. A moderate and strong wind will blow from the north-northeast and with it cold air will invade. After lunch there will be precipitation mainly from snow. The maximum temperatures will be 2° - 4°. The temperature of the sea water is 10° - 12°.