48% of respondents in an express survey by "Gallup International" for the program "Referendum" on BNT believe that spending should be limited if our country has a large budget deficit. Three percent want an increase in taxes.
27% of respondents state that a combined approach is needed. 12% indicated the option "other", and 10% - "don't know".
Which is closer to your opinion about Budget 2025?
As of January 2025, 21% of respondents indicated that the budget "should have more limited spending", 10% - "should have more spending", and 61% - "should be balanced".
In December 2024 40% of respondents indicated that the budget should be "with more limited expenses", 20% - "with more expenses", and 30% - "balanced".
In which areas does the state not spend enough money?
56% of respondents indicated healthcare. In second place with 41% is social assistance, and in third place with 40% - infrastructure.
30% of respondents believe that not enough funds are allocated for education, 23% - for security, 19% - for defense. The option "others" was indicated by 7% of respondents, and "I don't know" - 5%.