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Weather today, forecast for Thursday, February 6: Partly cloudy, decreasing to sunny

Maximum temperatures will be between 0°- 5°

Feb 6, 2025 05:47 138

Today there will be partly cloudy, temporarily decreasing to sunny, but in isolated places light snow is not ruled out, BNR reported.

Minimum temperatures will be between minus 6° and minus 1°, in Sofia - around minus 4°. Before noon, the more significant breakup and decrease in cloudiness that began in the west will continue over the eastern regions of the country. The wind will be oriented from the north-northeast, will be moderate, in Eastern Bulgaria and temporarily strong. In places in Eastern Bulgaria and the mountainous regions, very light snow will fall. Maximum temperatures will be between 0°- 5°. in the capital it will be around 5°.

The maximum temperatures will be between 0°- 5°.

In the mountains, the cloudiness will be significant and in some places there will be light snow. There will be more significant breaks and decreases in cloudiness over the massifs in Southwestern Bulgaria. There will be a moderate, in the higher and open parts - strong northerly wind. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 m. will be minus 3°, at 2000 m. around minus 10°.

Along the Black Sea coast, the cloudiness will be more often significant. There will be more significant breaks and decreases in the hours before noon. There will be a strong wind blowing from the north-northwest. The maximum temperatures will be between 3° and 5°. The sea water temperature is 8°-9°. The sea will be 2-3 points.