We will recommend to our political leadership that we vote against this budget on the first reading, because this is not a budget that lacks reforms, but a budget of anti-reforms. This was said by Martin Dimitrov from the DB, part of the PP-DB.
"They take from pensioners, give to police officers", he added.
According to him, it is "absurd" the increase in police salaries in a year in which spending should be reduced.
In his words, we are going backwards with this budget.
From the first day we said that we would not support this budget, now we are in a categorical position.
"Entering the eurozone is the responsibility of the government and we will prosecute them for every millimeter of error on their part," said Dimitrov.
Asked whether "We continue the change" support this position of the State Duma, Dimitrov said that in his opinion they will have common views on the issue at first reading.
Ivaylo Mirchev said that the management program was not a surprise and pointed out that "this government has not produced anything".
"The second meeting was organized in Paris for Ukraine and Bulgaria is again not at the table", said Mirchev.
"We hope that Bulgaria will participate - that they will include Skype, Messenger, Viber, whatever they have in the government, because yesterday's information is that it is not included", he said.
According to him, we must sit at the table at this meeting and that Bulgaria be part of making the decision on the security of Europe.